Download the Latest Updates to Twilio Client iOS and Android SDK

September 28, 2012
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Developers are already building on the newly released iOS6 and Android 4.1, and we want to make sure your Twilio apps are current alongside these mobile operating systems.

Today we’re releasing an update to our iOS and Android Twilio Client SDKs that include major performance improvements built to work with the latest versions of iOS (6.0) and Android (4.1). To upgrade, just download our most recent version of the SDK and integrate it into your app. Don’t worry, you’ll be using the same API, so no changes are required.

The Mobile SDKs for Twilio Client enables you to make and receive calls from your iOS  or Android devices over a cellular data network or WiFi connection without using standard cell phone minutes. Building your app on this SDK gives your users the choice to make calls over a data connection or a standard phone network.

Support for ARMv7s with the iPhone 5 is coming soon in an updated SDK. The team is testing with the new iPhone thoroughly before we release to make sure you have the best possible experience.

Getting Started with Twilio Client Mobile SDKs

We’ve got the documentation and sample code to help get you started. If you have any questions, our support team rocks and can help.

Twilio Client for iOS
Twilio Client
Twilio Client for iOS Quickstart
Download iOS SDK

Twilio Client for Android 
Twilio Client for Android Quickstart
Download Android SDK