Developers Developers Developers: Our Favorite .NET Tutorials for May 2019
Time to read: 2 minutes

Over the last month we've climbed out of numerous programming rabbit holes thanks to fellow .NET developers writing public tutorials for the community. We've rounded up some of our favorites in this post.
Each tutorial listed below is easy enough for beginner-level programmers to follow. More experienced developers should be able to breeze through the code while building a useful project or using these tutorials as convenient refreshers.
Enjoy these awesome tutorials!
Making complex authentication easier
Are you excited about authentication? If so, please tweet us, you are a delightfully special breed of developer. Here are a few great authentication tutorials for those folks that aren't as stoked about the topic and who just want to get the sign in page working.
Updating Microsoft Account Logins in ASP.NET Core With OpenID Connect And Azure Active Directory by Damien Bod
Add Authentication to Angular 7 App using ASP.NET Core 3 via Talking Dotnet
Safely migrating passwords in ASP.NET Core Identity with a custom PasswordHasher by Andrew Lock, .NET Escapades
The ultimate in connection strings
Connecting to relational databases like SqlServer and MySQL happens in almost every web application, so why are connection strings still so obscure? This guide on connection strings is a must-read, regardless of whether you are building your first or thousandth web app.
The ultimate guide to connection strings in web.config by Thomas Ardal of
Handy Blazor and ASP.NET guides
Blazor might be the next big thing in web development. A couple of intrepid developers are providing insight into Blazor as it evolves. Check out some of the useful techniques they've described:
Building Blazor shared components, Gunnar Piepman, Gunnar Piepman Programming Blog
Live Reloading Server And Client Side ASP.NET Core Apps, Rick Strahl, Rick Strahl's Web Log
A Resilient bonus post
Bryan Hogan, Polly project expert, wrote a wonderful post on our blog about building more resilient communication between services in your ASP.NET Core applications. Look for more from Bryan on Polly resilience here on the Twilio blog in the very near future.
Building Resilient Service-to-Service Communications in ASP.NET Core with Polly, the .NET Resilience Framework by Bryan Hogan, .NET Contributor to Twilio Developer Voices
Wonderful work by Damien, Andrew, Thomas, Gunnar, Rick, and Bryan in assisting our fellow .NET developers.
We look forward to giving more .NET content a read—and a shout out—over the next few weeks. Found a .NET tutorial, guide, or write-up that deserves the spotlight? Mail me at so we can take a look.
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