Twitter Developers Chirp Before They Can Tweet

April 13, 2010
Written by

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chirp twitter conference
Tomorrow, the popular social media service Twitter hosts their first official developer conference, aptly named Chirp (walk before you run, chirp before you tweet – get it?) .

In honor of this event, we’re hosting a little party at Twilio HQ this evening to welcome Twitter developers and friends of our company into our new office at 1st and Folsom here in San Francisco.  Come meet our team, drink some beer, and play Rock Band on the Wii starting at 7:30pm tonight.

RSVP for the Friends of Twilio Pre-Chirp Party here

Many Twilio team members have also developed applications with the Twitter API and Twilio, and they will be hanging out at Chirp on Wednesday and Thursday to chat, hack, and learn.  If you’d like to meet up with us while you are in town, please drop a note to so we can set something up!

Twilio Developer Contest: Twitter Mashups

Last week we partnered with Boxee to combine telephony with television, and we’re still in the process of judging the submissions so stay tuned for us to announce the contest winner tomorrow.

In honor of Twitter’s focus on developers, this week’s Twilio Developer Contest category is focused on combining the Twilio API and Twitter API to cook up new applications enabling all sorts of communication magic.

If you’ve been following our developer contests for awhile, you might remember that we’ve had this contest category before and we had two winners!

Twilio + Twitter Contest Winners in the Past

Group Call by Tim Lytle

GroupCall allows Twitter users to host and manage a group conference call with a few simple clicks. Designed for group instruction, where one user speaks and the audience comments/participates via twitter. The call owners can unmute other participants if desired.

To get started login with Twitter using Oauth, click the ‘host a call’ link, then follow directions to join the call.  Refresh to update user list/twitter feed (Tim says, “sorry, no nice AJAX yet”), mute/unmute other callers, and click end call link when you’re done.

Music Monday by Mike Ivanov

Music Monday is the long-running tradition of posting your favorite songs on Twitter so that others can discover interesting new music.  The Music Monday app lets you listen to tweets that contain MP3s.  You can skip songs you don’t like so much, and it keeps a list of everything that was played and what you liked.

First, call (866) 583-6913 and enter PIN 3969-6376.  Listen to some tunes and see if you like any of them.  After you hang up, go to and put in the phone number from which you called.  You will get a list of all the tweets and songs you heard with links to the original tweets on Twitter.  From there you can follow, retweet, and reply as usual.


Everyone else who submitted is eligible to resubmit (we love that we make the rules!) so if you were one of them we hope you’ll consider sprucing up you old app for another chance at winning a Netbook.  Check out the contest page for all the details, and to submit your app.