Developer Digest: Life Before Lootboxes — Playing Dart-Based Skyrim via Text

January 04, 2018
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Normally, this would be in your inbox. This is a blog-rendition of our email for all you lovely developers, the Developer Digest. To grab the next issue on January 16th, sign up here. Alright, let’s get right to it.

There are a few tools that you can’t imagine your life without. That could be anything from a handy framework, to the backpack you throw your laptop in. This edition of the Developer Digest (on the blog) celebrates the folks building those tools, and the moments they create for the people using them.


Developer Digest

I’ll Always Love You Rails, But Hanami and I Have Something Special

Hanami is a new framework biting Rails’ heels. Take it for a spin with Rails veteran, Phil Nash. He’ll show you how to send and receive texts in Ruby with Hanami.


Skyrim Lootboxes Via Text —Lootboxes Are Cool, Right? Hello? Guys…
Just kidding. Sorry, that likely got your blood boiling. So take a break, and read how Filip Hracek transferred Skyrim’s sprawling open world into a text adventure, Insignificant Little Vermin, using code.


A Journey of a Thousand Deploys Begins With a pip
Yes, we are talking about Python and Flask apps. Miguel Grinberg takes you from pip install flask to deploying to Docker containers in this bountiful tutorial.


Automated Currency Exchanges With AWS Lamba + in Javascript

You could run the same currency calculation over and over, or just get a text. Luciano shows you how to use some async magic to get currency updates in this tutorial.


San Francisco — Where Even Doorbells Are Powered By Code
Some things you can’t leave up to chance. Chinese food delivery is one of those things. Tess Rinearson wired up her doorbell to Twilio to ensure she gets what she’s ordered. Nice moves, Tess. Fork it (literally and figuratively)!


A Hefty Dose of Kotlin
If you need some Kotlin in your life, the fine folks of reddit asked Kotlin engineers the hard questions. If you are still thirsty for more, check out all of the talks from KotlinConf here.   


[Front-End] Check Yourself, Lest You Wreck Yourself
We get it. You deployed at 3am. But honestly, who forgets the proper doctype? Tired people. That’s who. Consider David Dias’ Front-End Checklist like a well-rested mentor, making sure you deploy with all your ducks (and doctypes) in a row.


You’ve got the tools you need to build what you want. (Just please, don’t figure out a way to embed lootboxes into a text based game… Please.). Let us know what you build!