Introducing Twilio’s Customer Deliverability Engine: Elevating Communication with Transparency and AI

Developers on a laptop testing out a text-to-image service
July 24, 2024
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"I spent weeks building out the perfect messaging campaign to engage with my customers and we were counting on this engagement to drive real impact for our business. The message was perfect and we knew our audience would be excited to receive these texts, but I didn't account for the most important variable – will these messages get delivered and if not, why?"

The main metrics that a business cares about when interacting with their customers through text are, did the messages get delivered and did our customers engage? Twilio customers have had this insight for years, but how does your team respond if the result of the metric is “no, we saw low deliverability”? 

Starting today, Twilio has reinvented the way that developers, marketers, and all users of Twilio Messaging interact with their traffic. Other engagement platforms may tell you if a message was delivered, but that data point doesn’t actually help you solve the problem. Twilio's Customer Deliverability Engine is specifically built to increase your deliverability by providing actionable insights and guidance for proactive optimization of your messaging traffic.

A new era of messaging deliverability

We're not just telling you when messages aren't delivered; we're explaining why and how to improve deliverability. We have eliminated the guesswork by providing definitive insights and actionable recommendations to proactively improve your messaging solution. Our overarching goal is to empower you to build, iterate, and scale your messaging platform with confidence, backed by robust data and AI. Each of these new, revolutionary messaging products work in tandem to enable businesses to dig deeper into their messaging solution, troubleshoot messaging errors and failures in an instant, and provide solutions on how to fix tangible problems with your messaging traffic. Below we are proud to show off the lineup of our new messaging deliverability products.


Intelligent Alerts

Stay ahead of the curve with Intelligent Alerts. This product proactively monitors your messaging traffic for anomalies, sending real-time alerts via email. This allows for immediate troubleshooting, ensuring that you can address issues as they arise and maintain the integrity of your communications.


Intelligent Discovery AI Assistant

Meet your new troubleshooting partner, the Intelligent Discovery AI Assistant. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, this assistant allows you to interact with their messaging data intuitively. Whether you’re a technical expert or a non-technical user, the Intelligent Discovery AI Assistant offers personalized recommendations, deep data analysis, and effortless transitions to live Twilio support. Say goodbye to prolonged downtimes and cumbersome support tickets and experience faster resolutions and enhanced operational efficiency.


Deliverability Score

Understanding your messaging performance has never been easier. Our Deliverability Score, accessible within Messaging Insights, offers a snapshot of your traffic's effectiveness. With subscores for Sent rate, Compliance, Fraud, Latency, and Engagement, you can pinpoint areas for improvement and optimize your messaging strategy.


Product & Solution Recommendations

Imagine having a messaging strategist at your fingertips. Our Recommendations feature analyzes your messaging traffic and provides personalized, actionable steps to enhance deliverability and performance. It's like having a roadmap to successful messaging engagement built directly in the Twilio Console within Messaging Insights. 



Get access to message level data and metadata of your messages, the way that you want to receive them. Check individual message details and access up to 400 days worth of messages, corresponding media, HTTP request and message delivery steps. Custom build your analytics functionality by receiving data in the format of your choice, whether through webhook, csv downloads from Logs in Console, or Twilio Event Streams.


Transforming Communication with Twilio

These new features are more than just tools; they're a commitment to transparency and excellence in communication. Twilio is dedicated to providing solutions that not only address current challenges but also anticipate future needs. With these enhancements, we're setting a new standard for what businesses can expect from their CPaaS provider.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and empower our customers with the best in communication technology. Visit our Messaging Insights page within the Twilio Console for more information and to start enhancing your messaging solution today.