Creating An Agile Contact Center: Find Twilio at Call Center Week

June 09, 2014
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Customer satisfaction is critical to expanding your business. If you don’t have the right tools to deliver a great customer experience, you’ll be left behind. This week we’re headed to Las Vegas for Call Center Week to show you how to use cloud communications to keep your customers happy and your business thriving.

Where To Find Us

  • You can find us in Mandalay Bay at Booth # 77/78 and say hi to our partners Aria Solutions, New Voice Media, ZenDesk, and LiveOps.
  • To get a hands on look at building scalable customer call centers, join us and Aria Solutions for “Agile Contact Center: Using Software and the power of the Cloud to Build Great Customer Experiences” Tuesday June 10th, 2:45 – 5:45pm at Islander Ballroom I & E.
  • We’re also teaming up with RedBeacon show you what WebRTC can do for your call center in “WebRTC 101- An In-Depth Introduction To WebRTC Applied to Contact Centers”  Wednesday June 11th, at 2:30 – 3:15 PM in  Islander Ballroom I.

The Power of An Agile Contact Center

Customers like Wix are using cloud powered contact centers to scale customer support alongside their growing user base.

Wix allows anyone and everyone to build their own website easily. When their user base jumped from one million to twenty million in just a few years, they needed to find a way to scale their 1:1 personal support twenty fold.

Using Twilio, they built their own contact center and new Twilio-powered solutions like a call scheduler and intelligent call routing in just six weeks. Now they’ve doubled their capacity for support calls, lowered call handle time and gather more data on customer calls every day.

Learn more about Wix and what makes an agile contact center in the webinar “Creating An Agile Call Center Platform” below: