Twilio to Demo at Google I/O Developer Conference

May 21, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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On Thursday, May 28th, we’ll be at Moscone Center West for the second day of the Google I/O Developer Conference.  Google has generously offered us a spot in their Google App Engine Developer Sandbox.

The event is loaded with Google-relevant content presented at tech talks, fireside chats, office hours, breakout sessions, and the developer sandbox (where we’ll be).  In our corner of the world, we’ll be hanging out with developers from technology companies, small and big, as they demonstrate how
they use Google products and open technologies to build innovative apps.

Telephony Applications Built on Google App Engine

Using Google App Engine and Twilio’s In-Cloud Telephony API, web developers can create rich stateful applications that allow customer interaction via a web browser and over the phone, using normal landlines and cell phones.  Touchtone menus, call-routing, voicemail, and more are easy using App Engine and Twilio.

We’re looking forward to sharing Twilio with conference attendees, and will be demonstrating how it works with Google App Engine at our booth – so be sure to stop by!