Click to Call Your Senator to Fight Internet Censorship

November 29, 2011
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We recently wrote about Tumblr and MobileCommons teaming up to alert the public to the significant dangers to a free and democratic internet posed by the SOPA and Protect IP laws. These laws are currently under consideration in Congress, so timing is essential in reaching supporters. Using a click to call app powered by Twilio, Tumblr’s users placed over 87,000 calls and spent nearly 1,300 hours talking to their representatives. The campaign was a perfect example of a how innovative companies can use Twilio’s simple, accessible tools to mobilize a community.

The fight isn’t over, and every day that passes presents the danger of the US Congress passing laws that will cripple the internet forever. You can learn more about ProtectIP and its companion legislation, SOPA, on If you care about the future of the open internet, today is the day to rally and make your voices heard. The app below, created by MobileCommons, is a simple click to call application that will dial your phone, read you discussion points and then connect you to your Senator.

We’re proud to support an app that allows citizens across the country to assemble for a cause at an instant. Let’s use our voices to fight the good fight.