Chad Smith Wins our OpenVBX Contest With His Stripe Payments Plugin

July 06, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Getting paid, to many it’s a forte; to others, it’s the essence of business—making things people want and then charging money for it. But as important as it is, handling payments has never been as easy as it should be. For our OpenVBX developer contest, Chad Smith (no, not the drummer), created a plugin that hopes to change that.

Using the Stripe Payments API, Chad’s plugin allows you to easily take payments over the phone. The caller simply enters their credit card number and expiration date and a transaction takes place.

Since both OpenVBX and Chad’s plugin are opensource, you can modify it to do all kinds of things like pay bills through an automated system, e-commerce by phone, pre- and post-pay long distance services, pay-as-you-go voicemail or conferencing, or really anything that requires charging a credit card over the phone

If this sounds up your alley, grab the source code on Chad’s github page. (Note: you’ll need an account with Stripe in order to actually process payments. The API is currently in beta, so you’ll need to apply for access.)

Your Turn

Want to get involved? We hold developer contests regularly. For this week’s contest, we’ve partnered with our friends at Infochimps and the theme is data. Build an interesting mashup of Twilio and one or more of the data sets or APIs available on Infochimps and you could win the collection of Edward Tufte’s data visualization books as well as $100 in Twilio credit, $100 in Infochimps credit, and swag from both companies! Get all the details here.