CareSpeak Makes Outpatient Care Seamless For Patients and Providers via SMS

June 24, 2015
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Guiding a patient from sickness to health takes a team. Hospital staff, pharmacy staff, friends,and family all work to help that person do what they need to do to get better. But, getting better is a process that requires managing appointments, highly time sensitive medication schedules and other timely logistics. If a patient gets behind on their schedule, it can cost them their health, lead them back to another expensive hospital visit, and leave them reordering pricy medication.

CareSpeak helps make the coordination between all these different parties, at all these different times seamless. There’s one medium they chose to do it – SMS.

CareSpeak works to connect hospitals, pharmacies and patients together to ensure proper treatment. Patients can miss a piece of mail the hospital sends them, reminding them of their medication schedule. But they’re far less likely to miss a text reminder via Twilio SMS. Patients are even less likely to get off their medication schedule when they know that there’s a CareSpeak trained pharmacist on the other end of the line who can answer their questions.

Patients have all sorts of questions about their medication that are easily answered via text through CareSpeak. If they want to know how to store medication, how to take it, when to take it, or what possible side effects might be – a Google search doesn’t cut it. The personal touch patients receive when using CareSpeak to connect with pharmacists is incredibly effective.

CareSpeak founder, Serge Loncar, believes in a personal and mobile approach to health care. Using Twilio, CareSpeak can offer more to not only patients, but the healthcare industry itself.

“Twilio is incredibly reliable,” said Loncar.“The platform caters to people who need to do something fast and on the fly and at scale. I’m a marketing person and I can provision a number.”

Not only can Loncar provision a number, he can provision it wherever he needs with Twilio’s global availability. Loncar travels all over the globe giving CareSpeak demos. In his live demos to potential customers, he’s always confident he can send them a text via Twilio, no matter where they are in the world.

Looking forward, Loncar plans to expand aggressively into new international markets. CareSpeak CTO, Krešimir Nesek relies on the Twilio backbone to make sure their vision becomes a reality. ““All the API tools can help us plan for the future. I love the simplicity and flexibility of Twilio,” says Nesek.