Captico uses Twilio to build their perfect call tracking solution

March 08, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Captico builds call tracking on Twilio
Captico specializes in online marketing campaigns, and wanted to add call tracking to their portfolio of services. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be any service available that provided the data they wanted at an affordable price, so they decided to use Twilio to make their own. After half a day of coding, they had their initial prototype, and after iterating for over two months, Call Tracking Metrics is now ready to open its doors to other firms with similar needs. Here’s what Kate McLellan, Project Manager at Captico and Todd Fisher, Senior Developer at Captico, had to say about the experience.:

How did you decide to build your call tracking application? What problem were you trying to solve?

We manage multiple online marketing campaigns for companies of all sizes. We were already able to track how many customers convert online through the use of conversion tracking and Google Analytics.  In order to better serve our customers, we needed to know how many conversions were happening by phone, and how those calls were being generated. We decided to build our Call Tracking Metrics software to help our clients track how many phone calls were being generated from their marketing campaigns.  By analyzing both phone call and website form conversion data, our clients would be able to make more informed decisions about how they spend their money.

We researched other call tracking companies and could not find a company that offered the combination of data we wanted to provide our clients at a price we were willing to pay. The other services were also very complex, and were often rolled into other, larger marketing packages. We decided to create our own call tracking software to make it easy for our customers to understand how the information could help them allocate marketing funds based on which marketing sources generated conversions, all while remaining cost effective.

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For one of our clients, we found that they received, on average, 10 conversions a month through customers clicking on their Google paid advertisements and filling out the form on their website. After implementing our Call Tracking Metrics, we found that this client received an average of 350 calls from customers clicking on their Google paid advertisement and calling the number on their website.  When looking only at the conversions tracked through their online web form, Google paid advertising did not appear to be a good investment.  However, after implementing call tracking and analyzing the numbers, Google paid advertising stands out as their number one conversion generator.  Tracking both onsite conversions and phone call conversions proves to be vital when determining which marketing channels are providing a return on investment.

What are your plans for Captico?

We plan to continue to grow our Internet marketing and technology business and develop new products and services to further aid the needs of our clients.  For our new product, Call Tracking Metrics, we plan to aggressively market and grow the number of users throughout 2011 and beyond.

If you had all the time in the world, what would you build with Twilio?

Great question. We’ve been really impressed with the service and interactions with the people at Twilio, and we’re looking forward to working with you again.  We are constantly finding use cases that would require partnering with Twilio’s services in the future.   At this time we are focused on expanding our Call Tracking Metrics product, where a dozen or so clients have had more unique needs for the service Twilio provides.  These services include: reservation services, call tracking, polling, and more.  We plan to expand the Call Tracking Metrics product in future iterations which will require further interaction with Twilio.

You can find more about Captico’s Call Tracking Metrics at their website, or follow them on Twitter @CallTrac. Learn more about building call tracking software on Twilio.