Washington DC Area Developers – Learn About Twilio at HacDC on Jan 14th
From their website:
On Thursday, January 14, at 7:00PM at HacDC, Todd Fine and Darius
Roberts will introduce the Twilio API (HTTP requests to dynamic XML),
demonstrate two applications we have built using Python and Ruby, and
finally lead a brainstorming session about other creative and artistic
possibilities using the Twilio platform.
Todd and Darius go on to describe two Twilio applications they’ve built
The first application is a distributed microphone for group-created
ambient soundscapes (tentatively titled “Spacerad”). Twilio’s platform
can record audio over the phone and offer a callback URL for the saved
WAV file. Using XMPP (the instant messaging technology used, for
example, in Google Talk), this URL is immediately sent to a Python
script running on a local machine which can interact with a number of
audio environments Todd likes to use (Pure Data, Supercollider, and,
hopefully, Ableton Live). Hence, even a large audience, with the
ubiquitous cellphone, can provide the samples for an open-ended and
cooperative musical experience.
The second application is based on a classic phone application of
the tape answering machine era. The creative band They Might Be Giants
once had a Brooklyn local phone number, popular in the eighties and
nineties, that would play some of their songs off an answering machine.
While this service was “always busy, often broken,” with Twilio’s API,
we can create a service serving TMBG songs that far surpasses the
original Dial-a-Song in functionality, hopefully without losing its
charm. Darius will present his Ruby-based version of Dial-a-Song.
When: 7:00PM-8:30, Thursday, January 14
Where: HacDC Space, 1525 Newton St NW, Washington DC 20010
Cost: Free and Open to the Public!
About HacDC
HacDC is a hacker space located in Washington, DC. HacDC members
improve the world by creatively rethinking technology. We break, build,
and occasionally abuse technology in the pursuit of greater knowledge
about how it works and repurposing it to build new things.
Do you know developers who would be interested in getting together to talk Twilio in your city? Let us know if you schedule a meetup so we can help you promote it, and we’ll be happy to send you some swag for your guests and freebies to give away. It’s all about developers, and we appreciate your help spreading the word about Twilio! Email help@twilio.com
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