Brian Shaffer Wins Our Twilio/FreshBooks Contest

June 29, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Earlier this month, we ran a contest with our friends at FreshBooks. We wanted to see what our developer communities could create using both Twilio’s phone and SMS APIs and FreshBooks’ billing API. With an iPad 2, $100 in FreshBooks credits, $100 in Twilio credit, and a whole lot of swag up for grabs, we knew this would be an interesting contest. Developers submitted everything from a realtime invoice translation service to an interesting spin on collecting payments. In the end, both companies decided that while there were a lot of strong entries, Brian Shaffer’s mobile time tracking app was the winner.

Brian has been using FreshBooks to log hours on his projects and bill his customers. He spends most of his time near a computer, but knows that isn’t necessarily the norm, so he used PHP, MySQL, the FreshBooks API, and Twilio’s Voice API to build a mobile time tracking application.

Using it is simple, you give it a call when you’re ready to start work and then call it again when you’re done. That’s it. Brian’s app takes care of logging work in progress as well as recording notes about the job.

You can see a video of it in action below.

Congratulations to Brian, who’s won an iPad 2, $100 FreshBooks credits, $100 in Twilio credits, and swag to keep him dressed for days!

Your Turn

Want to get involved? We hold developer contests regularly; our current one is all about OpenVBX, our opensource virtual PBX. It’s got a powerful API that allows developers to extend its functionality using plugins. If you’ve been meaning to play around with OpenVBX, now’s a great time! Build an awesome OpenVBX plugin (or improve an existing one) and you could win an Amazon Kindle 3G and $100 in Twilio credit. Read more about the contest, or get started with a tutorial.