Ben Nunney: Code On The Road with Young Rewired State

August 06, 2013
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This is a syndicated post, originally published on European Developer Evangelist, Ben Nunney’s blog. Ben details his experience driving over 2,000 miles in a few days to connect with young coders who are building the future of the software industry, and working with fantastic APIs.

For the past few years I’ve supported Young Rewired State. So have Twilio. This year – now that we’re one in the same – Twilio and I have been working on how we can showcase the amazing, talented, and wonderful young coders of the UK.

I give you #CodeOnTheRoad.

During the course of the week that Young Rewired State runs, thousands of under 18s will descend on local ‘centres’ all over the UK to ‘code a better country’ using open government data, supported by a network of local mentors.

This year, I’ll be jumping in my little old car and driving over 2,000 miles to visit 20 centres all over the UK – seeing 200 young coders hard at work and proving to the world that the future of the software industry is in safe hands. See the full map of the route here.

The aim is simple – capture the essence of the week in pictures, videos, tweets and conversations, showcasing the best that young people in the UK have to offer, and ask the rest of the industry one simple question:Young people see the importance of  APIs. Do you?

Here are a few highlights from the trip so far. Stay updated with Ben’s daily video blogs at