Beam Me Up Twilio: Win Tickets To Tonight’s Midnight Showing Of Star Trek: Into Darkness

May 14, 2013
Written by

Twilio Bug Logo

In honor of all the developers in town for Google I/O, we’re giving away tickets to a midnight showing of Star Trek: Into Darkness tonight (5/15) at The Metreon. So park your cloaked Klingon Bird of Prey in Golden Gate Park (like Captain Kirk) and get ready for an awesome time.

There are two ways to win tickets:

  • Find us at Google I/O and wear your Twilio shirt. Wear your Twilio redshirt for a hi-five and Vulcan salute.

  • Text 415 “INFIX-YO” [415-463-4996] and answer a Star Trek trivia question to unlock the Eventbrite registration for the event.

We will be on scene in the lobby of The Metreon before showtimes to hand out tickets everyone registered on Eventbrite. Look for the Twilions in the red track jackets and stay tuned to our Twitter feed for updates.

Live long and prosper, fellow devs.