AvidTrack Ditches Roadblocks, Scales Fast With Twilio To Simplify Call Tracking

June 16, 2015
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Startup years are like dog years. When you’re running your own startup, each month might as well be a year. So much changes month to month. You’re working non-stop, acquiring new customers, stomping bugs and flying by the seat of your pants.

In 2009, Amin Haq was hard at work developing AvidTrak, a one-stop shop for advertisers looking to track phone lead campaigns, PPC and keyword bidding. Month after month, they shipped new features and added depth to the data they provided advertisers. But, one feature was grinding his gears – their phone system.

Amin spent 6 months wrestling with buggy software, careless documentation and shaky reliability from his telecom provider. He knew they had to switch vendors. After meeting Twilio CEO, Jeff Lawson in person at a tech conference in 2010, Amin made the move to Twilio immediately.

“We were losing clients with the other platform,” says Amin. The dev team at AvidTrack got up and running with Twilio in under a week. Amin was relieved the search for the right telecom provider was over, but equally frustrated they fought with their old provider’s brittle architecture for so long.

After switching to Twilio, AvidTrak hit the ground running shipping new features like Call Recording, Whisper, Voicemail and IVR. “We’ve been able to develop features faster because Twilio has done the heavy lifting,” says Amin.

Now AvidTrack is doing over 2.6 million minutes of phone calls per month, with no sign of slowing down. While Amin is incredibly relieved they finally have a system that can scale as fast as their customer base grows, he’s looking to the future.