Apps to Empower: Build an App to Support Women in Developing Countries

February 19, 2013
Written by

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Sara McCue
Dr. Sarah McCue

Apps To Empower is trying to make the tablet a life changing device for women in developing countries. They need your help. They’re calling on developers to build apps that aid in conflict resolution, entrepreneurship training, mentorship, business planning and a whole host of other areas.

You’re invited to think outside of the App Store, and build a truly important app. The deadline for app submissions is April 30th, 2013. Judges will announce the winners in four different categories, and award the winning teams $10,000.

Dr. Sarah McCue is working with educational tablet providers Datawind and the UN Office of Partnerships to get those winning apps into developing countries. “Fortunately, good ideas have no boundaries as a result of technology,” says Dr. McCue. You can take her word on that. McCue was the manager of the United Nations Development Program Information and Communications Technology for Development, and is the co-founder of BluWorld, a social space for sharing anything from educational videos to mentoring opportunities.


Having access to information is essential for Apps To Empower’s mission. Currently, only one third of the world has access to connectivity through the internet, an educational tablet or computer. That statistic keeps Dr. McCue up at night. It’s a problem she’s hoping developers can help solve.

The organization is planning on leveraging the Twilio API, to power apps and aid communication between women and mentors. Dr. Sarah McCue already has quite a few Twilio app ideas. “I’d love to see an online mentoring app that matches successful women with young women just beginning their career; a daily message on leadership; an app that allows two conflicting parties to submit their conflict to a group of negotiators so that young women can learn conflict resolution techniques…the possibilities are endless.”

To learn more about Apps To Empower, or submit your app, visit their website here. Thank you to Apps To Empower advisor, Founder and Managing Director of Women Innovate Mobile, Kelly Hoey, for bringing the story to our attention.