Appboy Gives Mobile Marketers A New Way To Reach Users via SMS with New Webhooks Feature

August 25, 2015
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It seems like everyone has an app. But, not everyone has a plan to get their users invested in it. In a flooded app market, you need a way to stand out. Appboy gives the developers and marketers the tools they need to rise above the tide.

Major brands like Urban Outfitters, PicsArt and EPIX turn to Appboy for a systematic way to grow, manage, and keep users on their apps. Using Appboy’s intelligent CRM, they can send email, in-app and push notifications, and now Twilio-powered SMS to their users.

Appboy is happy to announce a new webhooks feature that gives mobile marketers more control of the way they reach out to their users, and more ways to do it.

“We’re excited to launch our webhooks feature because it will provide clients with a variety of new ways to easily link technologies together to connect their marketing campaigns in real-time with other services and applications, like Twitter, Marketo and SMS through Twilio,” says Marissa Aydlett, Vice President, Marketing at Appboy.

Appboy specializes in offering highly curated ways to engage with customers in segments across a variety of channels. Some customers might prefer you contact them via email, others might prefer an in-app notification. Finding the right medium is critical to user growth and retention, which is why Appboy is adding more flexibility to their platform with the webhooks feature.

Take for example, an Appboy customer, Urban Outfitters. Their app is a major lever for their online sales and customer loyalty program. Keeping users engaged on the app is critical to the company’s success. But to be successful you have to make careful marketing decisions.

“It’s extremely sensitive,” Urban Outfitters Senior Marketing Manager Moira Gregonis told Bloomberg. “I don’t think anyone really likes to be marketed to, and as a brand, we don’t want to be pushy.”

Appboy is happy to offer webhooks as a brand new channel customers can use to communicate with app users in a tailored way, whether that be Twilio SMS, push notification, or in app messaging.

Learn more about Appboy’s webhooks feature and how to leverage Twilio here.