Answers to Every STS Question Ever Asked!
STS stands for Seattle Tech Startups, and it is the most subscribed and in-depth conversation about the tech startup community in Seattle. It has its fair share of controversy, and like any community it has some characteristics that are consistently amusing (such as common questions). Last night, our CEO Jeff Lawson gave a talk on cloud computing. Even though we weren’t there, the tweets coming from attendees told us all we needed to know:
And for those of you who read text (like indexing robots):
What kind of company?
Delaware C Corp
Which coffee shop?
The one in your neighborhood
Go Big or Lifestyle?
Which web design firm?
Design Commission
Colo or Cloud?
PHP, Ruby, Java or Python?
The one you know.
Subversion or Git?
The one you know.
MySQL, Postgres, or MSSQL?
The one you know.
Windows or Mac?
The one yo MAC.
Is the Seattle Startup Index fair?
Life’s not fair.
Who makes good screencasts?
Read the footer.
Should I leave Microsoft?
If you have to ask, probably not.
Angel Networks?
Hops ‘n Chops?
Should I predicate my success on Apple treating me fairly?
Should I raise VC money?
Fries with that?
Dave Matthews band?
Syrup or Jelly?
Quiznos or Subway?
I have a legal question…
Talk to an f’ing lawyer
What’s the most important thing?
Your network.
I don’t have a network.
Start building one.
Am I likely to get rich building a startup?
Probably not.
Am I likely to feel SATISFIED from doing a startup?
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