Smart Phone, Dumb Battery: Lukly Lets You Access iCloud Contacts via SMS

October 28, 2014
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We fear the 1% battery. We fear leaving our phone at home. The days of remembering your friends’ numbers is over. We’re in the world of iCloud back ups and remotely stored contact lists. But when your phone dips from 1% battery to dead, and your phone refuses to heed your wish to grow wings and fly to you, it’s time for a plan B. Lukly aims to be your plan B.

Lukly lets you access your contacts in an old school way. Here’s how it works: You can register your number and upload all your contacts to Lukly. Then when your phone inevitably takes its last breath, you can access your dead phone’s contacts through another phone via SMS.


When you text Lukly’s Twilio number from a gracious friend or passerby’s phone, you can select which of your contact’s numbers you need. When you text “Andrew” to your Lukly number, it’ll send you back every Andrew in you phone, and you can select which person you want to contact.

Lukly is now giving 5 free backup credits away once you sign up here so you can access iCloud contacts via SMS.