5 Reasons To Find Twilio at Dreamforce #DF13

November 18, 2013
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Twilio DF13

Dreamforce is just a few days away and Team Twilio will be on scene throughout the jam-packed week. We’ve got a ton of talks, partner events and Twilio tutorials that will teach you how to use communications tools to build a great customer experience, and increase sales. Here are 5 reasons to find your friendly Twilions at Dreamforce.

We’ll be on the Expo Floor at Booth N2110 and in the DevZone. Look for us in the red track jackets.

1. Twilio Talks

Twilio #DF13

DevZone Kick Off and Keynote – Monday, November 18th 11:30 AM  – DevZone.

  • Twilio CEO, Jeff Lawson will kick off Dreamforce’s epic week of hacking (including a million dollar hackathon) with a keynote highlighting how developers are driving a new wave of tech-fueled innovation by building new apps, companies, and software.

Building The Future With Familiar Tools – Tuesday November 19th 4:30pm – DevZone.

  • What can new solutions can you build with old tools? Developer Evangelist, Joel Franusic shows you how to use REST API tools to craft futuristic apps in his talk Best Practices for RESTful Web Services.

Leveraging Twilio Tools In Open CTI  –  Wednesday November 20th 5:30 pm – DevZone.

  • How can communications technology save you time and increase sales? Sales Architect Charles Oppenheimer explores how Salesforce’s Open CTI structure lets you easily build communication solutions into your Force.com apps for everything from sales to customer support in his talk Open CTI on Force.com with Twilio.

2. Twilio/SFDC Mini-Hackathon

Twilio #DF13
We may not have a million dollars to give away, but we’ve got challenges and prizes for both novice and advanced devs looking to build apps with Twilio.

Find Twilio in the DevZone, and complete a basic or advanced hack to win a Chromecast or Arduino Inventor’s kit. When you complete a hack you’ll also be entered in a raffle to win one of five MacBook Airs, and a pair of Beats headphones.

3. Partner Highlights: Breaking World Records And Building Contact Centers

Twilio #DF13
Learn about our partners and how they are innovating communications in the cloud all week. Find Twilio partners Call Tracking Metrics and TalkDesk with Twilio in the DevZone and RingDNA at Twilio Booth N2110 in the Expo Hall.
  • NewVoiceMedia is attempting to break world records during Dreamforce – sign up now to see a Twilio powered contact center built in less than 30 minutes at Twilio HQ November 20th at 12pm.
  • LiveOps can help you build a scalable cloud contact center easily at Booth Number # W114
  • CoStratus is revolutionizing cloud based healthcare so customers can estimate cost and pay for an offered health plan securely and easily.

4. Prepping For DreamForce Hackathon: Updates Twilio SFDC Libraries

The big hackathon is around the corner. When you’re building your one million dollar app, we want to make sure you have all the tools you need. We’ve updated our Twilio SFDC Library with these new features:

  • Queue and Member support – This allows trailing parameters in ContentType, such as charset, when parsing Twilio’s response.
  • MMS Updates – you can now send Twilio Picture Messages through Force.com apps.

5. Say Hi To Your Friendly Twilion

Twilio #DF13
We’ll be in the DevZone and Expo Hall Booth N2110 all week looking to answer your questions on any and all things Twilio. Whether you’re looking to build new business solutions with Twilio or just getting started, we want to meet you.



Stay tuned to Twilio on Twitter for updates on where you’ll find Twilio at Dreamforce, hackathon prizes and all things Dreamforce.