Twilio Customer 37Signals Launches New Feature for Backpack: SMS Events to Your Calendar

March 09, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Congratulations are in order for our friends over at 37Signals! Their team of talented people build software to help businesses be more productive, and today they’ve announced a new experimental feature which adds SMS capabilities to Backpack.

How SMS Updates to Backpack Work

Using Backpack with a Plus or higher account (this is important if you’re planning to kick the tires – they give you a 30 day free trial), you can communicate information with your team at work, and this includes a shared group calendar.  Now you can add new events to the calendar with SMS, in addition to the existing web interface.

To enable this functionality, simply visit your calendar and select the link on the right to mobile enable.  You’re calendar will be assigned its own phone number, and you can text message that number to add events – or even give the number to others to add appointments.

When you click the SMS link, you’ll receive a code and a phone number to text it to.  This is the number for your calendar, and by sending the text message to it you enable your phone to add new appointments to the calendar.

Updating Your Calendar on the Fly

What this means for Backpack users is that now they can update their calendars on the fly, even if they’re on the go and new meetings or plans are made when they’re not at the computer.

I’ve tried it out, and it works like a charm making it easy for me to add lunch meetings, coffee dates, and longer term plans that pop up when I’m in a meeting or commuting.  This information gets shared out with my team, making it easy for us to stay on top of who is doing what.

See Your Schedule Via SMS

Of course being on the go goes both ways, you also want to check your calendar while you’re out and about and Backpack makes that easy as well.  Send messages like “tomorrow” or “April 17th” (my birthday) to get your schedule for a specific day.

Check out the 37Signals product blog for more info…

Read Rework & Re-Imagine Your Business

Not only did the 37 Signals team launch this Twilio-powered feature, but they’re also among the top 10 books on with their new book Rework, which co-authored by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.

We’ve ordered a couple of copies and can’t wait to read about their experiences and insights on working effectively.  Congrats to everyone at 37Signals on both achievements!