Introducing Twilio’s Consumer Preferences Report

October 21, 2024
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Reviewed by
Lyssa Test

Introducing Twilio’s Consumer Preferences Report

In a world with plenty of digital communication channels, identifying which to invest in to reach customers can be difficult. As companies embrace the reality that loyal, engaged customers promise a higher return on investment, the focus on retention has gotten stronger.

Our new research shows that, surprisingly, while 91% of global consumers expect interactions through their preferred channels, only 54% of brands meet this expectation. This gap presents an opportunity for businesses to redefine their communication strategies by prioritizing channels that capture customer loyalty and promise a competitive edge.

Twilio’s Consumer Preferences Report*  underscores four communication best practices that consumers say matter when it comes to their engagement with brands. 

1: Choosing the right channels to drive engagement

2: Honoring user preferences through smarter, more strategic channel choices 

3: Investing in branded communications to drive consumer confidence 

4: Responding in real time in order to stay relevant 

Actionable insights from global consumers

We surveyed 3,900 global consumers on their channel preferences and conducted an in-depth analysis of the top channels by use case, region, and generation. As it turns out, 58% of consumers say it’s very or extremely important for brands to use their preferred channels. And when brands oblige, customers are willing to spend 32% more. Choose your channels strategically and you could see an increase in customer lifetime value!

Build confidence with trusted communications

Engagement is just the tip of the iceberg. In today’s digital age, where consumers are increasingly wary of message and sender authenticity, businesses must deliver experiences that guarantee trust and security. In fact, 88% of consumers who received a message with a verification badge said it increased their trust. Modern tools—like branded calling and rich communication services, empower businesses to turn everyday customer interactions into trusted dialogue.

The race against time to respond

In a fast-paced world, real-time interactions are essential. Failing to reply quickly to your customers can cost you their business. In fact, 51% of consumers expect fast replies—ideally within an hour. Missing this narrow response window puts your customers' attention and conversions at risk. It can even push them to take their business elsewhere, as 46% of consumers admit they've abandoned a brand in the past year due to slow response times.

Embrace simplified cross-channel interactions

As businesses streamline their cross-channel connections, they step into a realm where each interaction is not just a point of contact but an opportunity to align with ever-evolving consumer expectations. Let consumer preferences guide your communication strategies. Focus on creating seamless touchpoints that transform plain interactions into personalized experiences for consumers.

For deeper insights into consumer behaviors and their preferred communication channels, download Twilio's full Consumer Preferences Report—your essential guide to building lasting brand connections.


*This report, commissioned by Twilio, surveyed global participants on their communication preferences between June 28 and July 10, 2024.