12 Hacks of Christmas – Day 6: Twilio Plays 2048

December 17, 2014
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Today for the #12HacksOfChristmas we’re featuring a game that was built at the Hack the North hackathon in Waterloo, ON. Tejas Manohar, Jocelyn Lee and Cheng Wanli Peng won the Twilio prize, and our hearts, with their Twilio Plays 2048 project. If you can’t tell from the name, this hack lets you play the highly addictive game 2048 with the whole world using text messages.

Not only is this a clever hack – the team behind it posted the code on github. It’s like a digital stocking stuffer where you can see how they built the game and even fork the code to build your own version!

Until tomorrow, Happy Hacking and Happy Holidays to all!