is a structured template which can be used to send a series of related information. It must include a title and at least one additional field.
In the Media field of the template you create, provide the URL of the publicly hosted file.
If you are using a media in the card with a variable, submit a sample path of a publicly hosted image URL in the variable array. The combined URL must contain the file type. The combined URL must resolve to a publicly hosted file.
"media": ["{{1}}"]
would include a path sample in the variables
definition. "variables": {"1": "images/library-logo-resource2x.width-1000.png"}
If you are using a call-to-action URL button in your card, the URL must resolve to a publicly accessible website. If there is a variable, a valid path sample should be included in the variables array. The combined URL should resolve to a publicly accessible website.
"url": ["{{1}}"]
would include a path sample in the variables
definition. "variables": {"1": "docs"}
RCS, WhatsApp (WA), Facebook Messenger (FBM)
can translate to RCS rich card or RCS chip list depending on present components.
. A valid media sample is required if a twilio/card
template is created with media and/or variables and you plan to submit this template to WhatsApp for approval. Static media URLs should resolve to publicly hosted media files. Variable media URLs should include a valid media URL suffix in the variable declaration.twilio/cards
.![]() | ![]() |
Type: string
Required: yes
Variable Support: yes
Description: Title of card.
Type: string
Required: no
Variable Support: no
Description: Subtitle of card.
Type: string[]
Required: no
Variable Support: yes
Description: The URL of the media to send with the message.
Limitations -
1// Install the C# / .NET helper library from System;4using Twilio;5using Twilio.Rest.Content.V1;67TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);89// define the twilio/text type for less rich channels (e.g. SMS)10var twilioText = new TwilioText.Builder();11twilioText.WithBody("Hi {{1}}. Thanks for contacting Owl Air Support. How can we help?");1213// define the twilio/card type for more rich channels14var twilioCard = new TwilioCard.Builder();15twilioCard.WithTitle("Owl Air Support");16var cardAction1 = new CardAction.Builder()17.WithType(CardActionType.Url)18.WithUrl("")19.WithTitle("Contact Us")20.Build();21twilioCard.WithActions(new List<CardAction>() { cardAction1 });2223// define all the content types to be part of the template24var types = new Types.Builder();25types.WithTwilioText(twilioText.Build());26types.WithTwilioCard(twilioCard.Build());2728// build the create request object29var contentCreateRequest = new ContentCreateRequest.Builder();30contentCreateRequest.WithTypes(types.Build());31contentCreateRequest.WithLanguage("en");32contentCreateRequest.WithFriendlyName("owl_air_card");33contentCreateRequest.WithVariables(new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"1", "John"} });3435// create the twilio template36var contentTemplate = await CreateAsync(contentCreateRequest.Build());3738Console.WriteLine($"Created Twilio Content Template SID: {contentTemplate.Sid}");
1{2"account_sid": "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",3"date_created": "2022-08-30T09:19:17Z",4"date_updated": "2022-08-30T09:19:17Z",5"friendly_name": "owl_air_card",6"language": "en",7"links": {8"approval_create": "",9"approval_fetch": ""10},11"sid": "HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",12"types": {13"twilio/card": {14"actions": [15{16"title": "Order Online",17"type": "URL",18"url": ""19},20{21"phone_number": "+15551234567",22"title": "Call Us",23"type": "PHONE_NUMBER"24}25],26"body": null,27"media": null,28"subtitle": "To unsubscribe, reply Stop",29"title": "Congratulations, you have reached Elite status! Add code {{1}} for 10% off."30},31"twilio/text": {32"body": "Congratulations, your account reached Elite status, you are now eligible for 10% off any flight! Just add coupon code {{1}} to check out."33}34},35"url": "",36"variables": {37"1": "coupon_code"38}39}