Flows is an in-app, multi-screen experience available in WhatsApp. Flows can be sent as part of an approved template. A business's end users can initiate a flow experience using a Flow button. Initiating a flow opens an in-app, multi-screen experience where businesses can add text, images, and solicit user input in multiple ways. Businesses can capture end user input via single-choice, multi-choice, toggles, short-text answers, long-text answers, and date pickers. You can organize these options in up to 10 screens.
Flows isn't designed to transmit HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI data and should not be used to transmit data in workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI compliance.
If you are transmitting sensitive information, use Message Redaction. Message Redaction isn't yet compatible with Studio, Proxy Service, and Functions. Don't send Flows containing sensitive information using these products and services because Message Redaction doesn't work with them.
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To create a flow, follow these steps:
content template.UTILITY
) depending on the content of the flow and the message.twilio/flows
template publishes the flow to WhatsApp. You can find the publishing status in the template approvals. Currently, using flows without an approved template isn't supported.body
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to SHORT_TEXT. Max user input = 80 chars |
text | yes | string | yes | Helper text |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
required | no | boolean | no | Default = false. Whether the end user needs to answer the question |
input_type | no | ENUM | no | Default = text. Must be one of the following. TEXT, NUMBER, EMAIL, PASSWORD, PASSCODE, PHONE |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to LONG_TEXT. Max user input = 600 chars |
text | yes | string | yes | Helper text |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
required | no | boolean | no | Default = false. Whether the end user needs to answer the question |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to SINGLE_SELECT. |
text | yes | string | yes | Helper text |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
options | yes | string | yes | Stringified array of title and id. If variable is used must replace whole string with variable. Example: "options": "[{\"id\":\"ff\",\"title\":\"Friends and family\"},{\"id\":\"oo\",\"title\":\"Online\"},{\"id\":\"ip\",\"title\":\"In person\"}]" |
options.title | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Display title of option. |
options.label | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Id of option returned in webhook. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to MULTI_SELECT. |
text | yes | string | yes | Helper text |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
options | yes | string | yes | Stringified array of title and id. If variable is used must replace whole string with variable. Example: "options": "[{\"id\":\"ff\",\"title\":\"Friends and family\"},{\"id\":\"oo\",\"title\":\"Online\"},{\"id\":\"ip\",\"title\":\"In person\"}]" |
options.title | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Display title of option. |
options.label | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Id of option returned in webhook. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to DATE_PICKER |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
min_date | yes | string | yes | Start date. Format = YYYY-MM-DD |
max_date | yes | string | yes | End date. Format = YYYY-MM-DD |
unavailable_dates | yes | string | yes | Stringified array of unavailable dates. Format of dates: YYYY-MM-DD . Example: "unavailable_dates": "['\''2024-12-12'\'','\''2024-11-30'\'']" |
name | no | string | yes | name of date picker object |
LIST Object:
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to LIST. |
label | yes | string | yes | Question being asked |
options | yes | string | yes | Stringified array of title and id. If variable is used must replace whole string with variable. Example: "options": "[{\"id\":\"ff\",\"title\":\"Friends and family\"},{\"id\":\"oo\",\"title\":\"Online\"},{\"id\":\"ip\",\"title\":\"In person\"}]" |
options.title | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Display title of option. |
options.label | yes | string | yes | Can be variable if options is variable. Id of option returned in webhook. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to TEXT_HEADING. |
text | yes | string | yes | Markdown formatted text. Can enable text formatting, including hyperlinks, and all other functions described here in this syntax cheat sheet |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to TEXT_SUBHEADING. |
text | yes | string | yes | Markdown formatted text. Can enable text formatting, including hyperlinks, and all other functions described here in this syntax cheat sheet |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to TEXT_BODY. |
text | yes | string | yes | Markdown formatted text. Can enable text formatting, including hyperlinks, and all other functions described here in this syntax cheat sheet |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to TEXT_CAPTION. |
text | yes | string | yes | Markdown formatted text. Can enable text formatting, including hyperlinks, and all other functions described here in this syntax cheat sheet |
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to TEXT_CAPTION. |
text_list | yes | array | yes | Array of strings. Markdown formatted text. Can enable text formatting, including hyperlinks, and all other functions described here in this syntax cheat sheet |
MEDIA Object:
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to MEDIA. |
url | yes | string | yes | Image within layout |
FOOTER Object:
Parameter | Required | Type | Variables Supported | Description |
type | yes | ENUM | no | Set to FOOTER. |
label | yes | string | yes | What is displayed in the button to continue the flow. |
1curl -X POST 'https://content.twilio.com/v1/Content' \2-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \3-u $TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN \4-d '{5"friendly_name": "info_flow",6"language": "en",7"types": {8"twilio/flows": {9"body": "Wow do we have something super cool for you! Thanks for your interest. we have a helpful link there too.",10"button_text": "See flow",11"subtitle": "Finish flow",12"pages": [13{14"id": "id_one",15"next_page_id": "id_two",16"title": "Page 1",17"layout": [18{19"label": "Name",20"type": "SHORT_TEXT",21"text": "Question 1",22"required": true23},24{25"label": "Email",26"type": "SHORT_TEXT",27"text": "Question 2",28"input_type": "EMAIL"29},30{31"label": "Address",32"type": "LONG_TEXT",33"text": "Question 3"34}35]36},37{38"id": "id_two",39"next_page_id": null,40"title": "Page 2",41"subtitle": "Subtitle of Page 2",42"layout": [43{44"label": "How did you find us?",45"type": "SINGLE_SELECT",46"options": "[{\"id\":\"ff\",\"title\":\"Friends and family\"},{\"id\":\"oo\",\"title\":\"Online\"},{\"id\":\"ip\",\"title\":\"In person\"}]"47},48{49"label": "What is your favorite number?",50"type": "MULTIPLE_SELECT",51"options": "[{\"id\":\"one\",\"title\":\"one one\"},{\"id\":\"two\",\"title\":\"two two\"},{\"id\":\"three\",\"title\":\"three three\"}]"52},53{54"type": "TEXT_BODY",55"text": "Go to [Google](https://www.google.com/) if you have any questions"56},57{58"type": "TEXT_CAPTION",59"text": "No seriously, go to [Google](https://www.google.com/) if you have any questions"60},61{62"label": "If other, tell us where",63"type": "SHORT_TEXT",64"text": "Question 6"65}66]67}68],69"type": "OTHER"70}71}72}'
1{2"account_sid": "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXX",3"date_created": "2025-01-22T22:35:25Z",4"date_updated": "2025-01-22T22:35:25Z",5"friendly_name": "info_flow",6"language": "en",7"links": {8"approval_create": "https://content.twilio.com/v1/Content/HXXXXXXXXXXXX/ApprovalRequests/whatsapp",9"approval_fetch": "https://content.twilio.com/v1/Content/HXXXXXXXXXXXX/ApprovalRequests"10},11"sid": "HXXXXXXXXXXXX",12"types": {13"twilio/flows": {14"body": "Wow do we have something super cool for you! Thanks for your interest. we have a helpful link there too.",15"button_text": "See flow",16"media_url": null,17"pages": [18{19"id": "id_one",20"layout": [21{22"input_type": "TEXT",23"label": "Name",24"name": null,25"required": true,26"text": "Question 1",27"type": "SHORT_TEXT"28},29{30"input_type": "EMAIL",31"label": "Email",32"name": null,33"required": null,34"text": "Question 2",35"type": "SHORT_TEXT"36},37{38"input_type": null,39"label": "Address",40"name": null,41"required": null,42"text": "Question 3",43"type": "LONG_TEXT"44}45],46"next_page_id": "id_two",47"subtitle": null,48"title": "Page 1"49},50{51"id": "id_two",52"layout": [53{54"label": "How did you find us?",55"name": null,56"options": "[{\"id\":\"ff\",\"title\":\"Friends and family\"},{\"id\":\"oo\",\"title\":\"Online\"},{\"id\":\"ip\",\"title\":\"In person\"}]",57"required": null,58"type": "SINGLE_SELECT"59},60{61"label": "What's your favorite number?",62"name": null,63"options": "[{\"id\":\"one\",\"title\":\"one one\"},{\"id\":\"two\",\"title\":\"two two\"},{\"id\":\"three\",\"title\":\"three three\"}]",64"required": null,65"type": "MULTIPLE_SELECT"66},67{68"text": "Go to [Google](https://www.google.com/) if you have any questions",69"type": "TEXT_BODY"70},71{72"text": "No seriously, go to [Google](https://www.google.com/) if you have any questions",73"type": "TEXT_CAPTION"74},75{76"input_type": "TEXT",77"label": "If other, tell us where",78"name": null,79"required": null,80"text": "Question 6",81"type": "SHORT_TEXT"82}83],84"next_page_id": null,85"subtitle": "Subtitle of Page 2",86"title": "Page 2"87}88],89"subtitle": "Finish flow",90"type": "OTHER"91}92},93"url": "https://content.twilio.com/v1/Content/HXXXXXXXXXXXX",94"variables": {}95}
Sending a flow template using content templates is the same as sending other types of Content Templates. For detailed instructions, see Send templates created with the Content Template Builder.
Component | Description |
FlowData | Raw data string from the channel provider. |
InteractiveData | All information from the end user in a JSON-formatted field. |