Build a WhatsApp Weather Bot with Python, OpenWeather and Twilio

September 28, 2020
Written by
Alex Kiura
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

Build a WhatsApp Weather Bot with Python, OpenWeather and Twilio

WhatsApp has become the defacto messaging application that most people use to keep in touch. Wouldn’t it be convenient to build a WhatsApp bot that receives your location and responds with an instant weather update?

Using the Twilio WhatsApp API, OpenWeather One Call API and Django, we will build our very own weather bot, which will provide current weather information and the forecast for the next week.

See a sample interaction below:

Weather Bot Demo


  • Python 3.6 or higher. If you don’t have it installed, get it here
  • Twilio account: If you are new to Twilio, sign up for an account here.
  • OpenWeather account: If you are new to OpenWeather, sign up for an account here.
  • ngrok: a tool that allows us to expose local servers to the public internet. We will use it to create a public URL that Twilio can use to securely communicate with our  web server. You can get it here.
  • A personal WhatsApp account and a phone with WhatsApp installed.

Enable the Twilio WhatsApp sandbox

Now that we have a Twilio account, we will need to activate the WhatsApp sandbox which gives us access to a shared WhatsApp number that we can use to receive and send WhatsApp messages.  Login to Twilio and head over to the console. From the console, select “All Products & Services”, then “Programmable Messaging”. Select “Try it Out” and then “Try WhatsApp”.

To join the sandbox, send a message beginning with the word join followed by the randomly generated two word code shown on the sandbox from your phone to the WhatsApp sandbox number. Repeat this for any other number you may want to add to the sandbox.

Joining the Twilio WhatsApp sandbox

Create and setup a Python Virtual Environment

We will install several Python packages for our project. Since virtualenvs make it easier to manage several packages, let’s go ahead and create one.

Create a directory called weather_bot and navigate to it.

mkdir weather_bot
cd weather_bot

Create a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv weather_bot_env`

To activate the virtualenv on Mac Os or Linux:

source weather_bot_env/bin/activate

To activate the virtualenv on Windows:


We will need the following packages:

Let’s install the above dependencies:

pip install django requests twilio

Create a Django service

We will now create a django project inside the weather_bot directory:

django-admin startproject weather_bot .

The directory should have a structure similar to the one below:

├── weather_bot
└── weather_bot_env

Run the initial database migrations and then start the server:

python migrate
python runserver

The ngrok output will show the temporary public URL that was assigned to your application in the “Forwarding” lines. In this tutorial we will use the https:// address.

If you try accessing the web server using this URL, you will get a DisallowedHost error. This is because Django is not aware of the ngrok URL, so it prevents it from connecting. Open the file weather_bot/ in your text editor or IDE and locate the line that reads:


Edit this line to look as follows:


This tells Django that any URLs that end in are allowed as hosts for the application. Ngrok URLs are randomly generated and expire in 8 hours when you use the free version, so to avoid having to edit the configuration every time a new instance of ngrok is started we leave the randomly generated part of the URL out.

Now you should be able to access your Django application by entering the ngrok URL in your web browser.

Django application

Congratulations, now your web server is exposed publicly!


Our web server will have one endpoint /bot, which will be responsible for receiving requests from Twilio and performing an appropriate action. When a message is sent to the Twilio WhatsApp sandbox, Twilio will call this endpoint with the message sent by the user.

We will now write a simple view that handles these calls from Twilio. In our Django project, we will create a Django application called bot that will hold the logic for our bot.

python startapp bot

This will create a new directory called bot with a structure that looks like this:

├── migrations
│   └──

The new directory structure for the project should look as follows:

├── bot
├── weather_bot
└── weather_bot_env

Now it is time to write our first view. To confirm that we can receive WhatsApp messages, we will print out the message received, and respond on WhatsApp with the same message.

Copy the code below to bot/

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse

def webhook(request):
    response = MessagingResponse()
    if request.method == "POST":
        message = request.POST.get("Body")
        response.message('You said: ' + message)
    return HttpResponse(response.to_xml(), content_type='text/xml')

Since the requests will be coming from Twilio, the default Django configuration will raise CSRF  errors because these requests will not include a CSRF token. To silence the errors, we will decorate the view with csrf_exempt which marks a view function as being exempt from the CSRF view protection.

The MessagingResponse class is a helper class from Twilio that creates a response using the TwiML language. In this first version of the endpoint we use this response to return the message from the user back.

Update the list of installed apps

We need to make Django aware of the just created bot application. Visit the Django documentation to learn more about Django apps.

Inside weather_bot/, add 'bot.apps.BotConfig' to the list of INSTALLED_APPS so that it looks like so:


Configure URL routing

In the bot directory, create a file called so that the bot directory now looks like:

├── migrations
│   └──

In the bot/ file, add the following code:

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.webhook, name='whatsapp'),

Next we will need to point the root URLconf in file weather_bot/ to the bot.urls module like so:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    path('bot', include('bot.urls')),

Receive messages from a user

Our web service now exposes an endpoint /bot with which Twilio can communicate.

Next we need to configure the URL for our endpoint so that Twilio knows it. Go to the Twilio sandbox configuration page and enter the ngrok URL followed by /bot in the “When a message comes in” field. The URL should have the format https://<random-code>

Twilio Sandbox

Now, every time a message is sent to the Twilio sandbox number, the message will be printed on the terminal where the Django application is running, and a response with the same text will be sent to WhatsApp:

WhatsApp message and response

Using the OpenWeather One Call API

Let us create a query_weather function that will fetch current and forecast weather data for a particular location. The OpenWeather API allows you to specify units of measurement you would prefer. The options are standard, metric and imperial. For this tutorial, we will use metric units.

Inside the bot directory, create a file called and let’s define a function called get_weather:

import requests

def get_weather(lat, lon, api_key):
    weather_response = requests.get(
    return weather_response

The get_weather function accepts the latitude and longitude of the desired location, and an OpenWeather API key. It queries the OpenWeather API with the location coordinates to get the current weather and forecast weather data for a particular location. To keep the response light, we exclude the hourly weather data.

To obtain your OpenWeather API key, visit the API keys section. Once you have a key, go to the terminal where the Django application is running, stop it with Ctrl-C, and then define an environment variable with your key as follows:

export OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY=<your open weather api key>

For Windows, replace theexport command with set.

Once the variable is set, restart the application:

python runserver

Then add the API key definition in weather_bot/

import os

Receive WhatsApp location messages

A user can send their current location to the bot directly from WhatsApp:

Sending Location to Weather Bot

For messages that include location information, Twilio includes the longitude and latitude in the POST request it makes to our webhook.

Let’s modify our view in bot/ to extract location information from incoming requests.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse

from .query_weather import get_weather
from django.conf import settings

def webhook(request):
    response = MessagingResponse()
    if request.method == "POST":
        lat, lon = request.POST.get('Latitude'), request.POST.get('Longitude')
        if lat and lon:
            weather_response = get_weather(lat, lon, settings.OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY)
        message = request.POST.get("Body")
        response.message('You said: ' + message)
    return HttpResponse(response.to_xml(), content_type='text/xml')

Send formatted weather data to the user

Now we have the weather information for the location sent by the user. Next, we will send a  nicely formatted reply to the user.

The message will look like below:

Example Weather Bot response

WhatsApp allows messages to be formatted as Bold, Italic, Strike-through and Pre-formatted. Learn more about the formatting here.

Update bot/ to look as follows:

import calendar
from datetime import datetime

import requests

def get_weather(lat, lon, api_key):
    weather_response = requests.get(
    return weather_response

def generate_weather_message(weather_response):
    current_weather = {
        "temperature": int(weather_response["current"]["temp"]),
        "day_of_week": calendar.day_name[datetime.fromtimestamp(

    forecast_messages = []
    for daily_weather in weather_response["daily"]:
        max_temp = daily_weather["temp"]["max"]
        min_temp = daily_weather["temp"]["min"]
        weekday = calendar.day_name[datetime.fromtimestamp(
        description = daily_weather["weather"][0]["description"]
        forecast_message = f"{weekday}: {description}, " \
                           f"Low {max_temp}℃, High {min_temp}℃  \n"
    forecast_messages = "\n".join(forecast_messages)
    message_body = f" *Current Weather* \n \n"\
                   f"{current_weather['day_of_week']}: "\
                   f"{current_weather['description']}, "\
                   f"{current_weather['temperature']} ℃ \n \n"\
                   f" *Forecast* \n \n"\

    return message_body

Finally, we modify bot/ to  call the generate_weather_message function to create a nicely formatted message reply and send it to the user.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse

from .query_weather import get_weather, generate_weather_message
from django.conf import settings

def webhook(request):
    response = MessagingResponse()
    if request.method == "POST":
        lat, lon = request.POST.get('Latitude'), request.POST.get('Longitude')
        if lat and lon:
            weather_response = get_weather(lat, lon, settings.OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY)
            message_body = generate_weather_message(weather_response)
            response.message("Send your location")

    return HttpResponse(response.to_xml(), content_type='text/xml')

Testing the weather bot

If you have followed all the steps so far, the web service should be ready to receive location messages and respond with a weather update.

See the bot in action below:

Weather Bot Demo


Congratulations on building a WhatsApp weather bot. Now you know how to build a simple WhatsApp bot. The bot could be further improved by adding weather icons or emoji based on a particular weather condition.

People and businesses are increasingly depending on WhatsApp, and there are many problems that can be solved by building a bot. Below are some solutions that can quickly get you started in building intelligent bots that leverage machine learning:

  • Twilio Autopilot to build and train intelligent conversational bots that work across web and mobile chat, SMS, voice and WhatsApp.
  • OpenAI API, a general purpose text based AI system that can be applied on many language tasks.

Alex is a developer and technical writer. He enjoys building web APIs and backend systems.