Twilio Signal Day One Recap: Ushering In The Developer Era, and The Tools You Need In It
Time to read: 4 minutes

Preparing For Signal, and Lessons From The LEGO Movie
This morning, I arrived at Fort Mason early. Prepped my SD cards, blog posts, double checked the launch schedule for our product announcements. I was prepped for Signal, but not prepared for the impact of Signal.
I wasn’t prepared for roar of applause when Jeffiel compared bygone-era communications technology providers to Lord Business, the star villain of the LEGO Movie. The audience was firmly on the side of the Master Builder, the hero of the movie. Master Builder’s quest is to empower everyone and anyone to build any LEGO creation in the LEGO kingdom. It’s a similar principle Twilio is fighting for in the world of software powered communications.
A New World of Software
Software is fundamentally changing the way we interact with the world. Developers are driving that change. Today, at Signal, CEO Jeff Lawson revealed some of the stats that underscore that fact. With each commit, request, and phone call – you’re changing the world using communications technology.
- 700,000 developers use Twilio
- 641 million people have interacted with Twilio
- 22 billion API requests logged
- 1 in 5 people in the world has interacted with Twilio
Giving You The Communications Tools You Need In A Software World
The momentum of the developer network is growing and growing. We want propel that growth by giving you the tools you need to be successful whether you’re an independent programmer, or an enterprise systems engineer.
Today, we launched Copilot, a newly revamped offering, Alphanumeric SenderID, new numbers in 6 countries, Video updates, and a suite of IP messaging products including IP chat.

Clear the runway, and make some room for your new copilot. Copilot helps you do everything from streamlining message routing and delivery, to enabling you to send out SMS to multiple numbers with the press of a button.
Using Copilot, you can pick from a number pool (a designated group of phone numbers), and decide what you want your copilot to do.
- GeoMatch lets you automatically use the number in your number pool that matches the country of your recipient.
- Sticky Sender ensures that end users continue to see the same phone number every time they receive a message from you.
- Reroute knows when carriers are unable to accept SMS from short codes and enables a default to a long code when necessary.
- Scaler allows you to reach large audiences by leveraging multiple numbers when sending out SMS.
Alphanumeric SenderID

You only get one shot to make a good first impression. Alphanumeric SenderID lets you make a personal first impression with your customers by allowing you to send SMS from a name, instead of a number. This gives you the freedom to brand your texts, and gives your customers the personal touch they want.
Authy Announces Authy One Touch and Authy For Apple Watch

Authy is making two factor authentication even easier with One Touch. One Touch allows you to authenticate your website, or app with a simple one touch yes or no response. Authy for Apple Watch is available for all users who upgrade to the Authy app version 18.
This new powerful feature allows iPhone users to authenticate into sites from their watch – without having to take out and unlock their phone.
New Numbers in 6 Countries

Since we launched Video last month, we’ve had thousands of developers ask for access to beta. It’s a powerful medium, that has myriad use cases whether you’re in tech, finance, health care or education. Today, we invited every single Signal attendee to take video for a spin in beta and unveiled a new Video pricing model that makes it not only possible, but affordable to embed video in every single app.

Today, we unveiled two new ways to conference. Introducing Global Conference and Epic Conference. Using Global Conference you can embed audio globally, while still maintaining high fidelity audio. To reduce latency, we route your media packets to Twilio’s closest point of presence between you and your participant.
Speaking of participants, invite all of them to your Epic Conference. Using Epic Conference, there’s no limit of participants you can have. Using Epic Conference, you can build apps that can handle hundreds or even thousands of global participants.
IP Messaging
Twilio IP Messaging allows developers to embed advanced person-to-person chat in mobile apps, SaaS products, and websites. Instant messaging is a tremendously useful tool, but without context it fall short. Twilio IP Chat is designed to give you an embedded, contextual experience that’s both intuitive and immediate.
Using IP Messaging you can streamline interactions between customer and call center agent, reduce communication time with your team of developers, and have access to all your chat data whenever you need it. Apply here for early access.
Onward and Upward
We are continuously amazed by the work, the vigor, and the ingenuity of the developer community. The growth of the community is only matched by genius of the apps you build, the companies create, and the work you do everyday. We consider it a privilege and a pleasure to be the communications platform you chose, and we’re excited to see what you build next.
Stay tuned to the blog for more announcements and updates, and keep an eye on #signalconf.
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