Your Milestone Stories: From First Calls to First Companies

August 24, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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In June we celebrated a huge milestone, reaching 100,000 developer accounts. In honor of this community of DOers, we asked you to share your milestone stories from experiences in your life related to entrepreneurship, hacking, and taking those scary leaps. Watch these inspiring stories on the Milestone Story page to get a true feel for what the Twilio community is building.

We invited three of these amazing individuals to join us at TwilioCon 2012, all expenses paid. It was a challenge to choose only three, but these particular stories exemplified that “wow” moment and milestone that we think will wow you too.

Hear Kevin Mann, Co-Founder of CallRail talks about hitting 1,000 tracking numbers with his company:

Eva Zheng, who we’ve featured on the blog before, is the definition of a DOer. Hear her milestone story, when she won her very first hackathon:

Meet Phil McCarty, Founder and Lead Developer at, tells us how he got his app in front of Dr. Dre:

Thank you to everyone who submitted their story for the Milestone project. Make sure to watch these inspiring stories of challenges overcome with development, entrepreneurship and life.

  • Brantley Beaird talks about moving out to the Bay Area, and joining the start up community.
  • David Busby talks about using Twilio for political activism, and the great success of his phone bank.
  • Philip Brown talks about taking an offline industry and getting it online in his work with Supply Hog and Twilio.
  • Alex Swan talks about his first Startup Weekend win and learning to lead a team.
  • Ricky Robinett talks about the first email he got from someone using one of his hacks.
  • Timmy Crawford talks about “spreading stoke” and making people happy through Twilio SMS.
  • Tim Anderson talks about cutting costs in lead marketing by using Twilio
  • Sai Nallapaneni talks about starting, and how Twilio came into play.
  • Lyle Pratt shares his story when he decided to leave his day job to start his own company.
  • Dave Yasnoff of talks about his wired solution before Twilio.
  • Dan Zelikman talks about starting Mental Pez, using Twilio to help develop Tracky and being a DOer.