Scheduling Tasks in Python with Redis Queue and RQ Scheduler

December 05, 2019
Written by
Sam Agnew

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Executing specific code at specific times is a common task in Python. There are a variety of tools to solve this issue, but RQ Scheduler is a lightweight, elegant solution built on top of another tool with a low barrier to entry called Redis Queue.

With RQ Scheduler, all you need to do is create a Scheduler object and provide it with a Python datetime and a function to execute, along with any arguments you want to pass to the function:

from datetime import datetime

from redis import Redis
from rq_scheduler import Scheduler

from some_module import arbitrary_function

scheduler = Scheduler(connection=Redis()) # Get a scheduler for the "default" queue
scheduler.enqueue_at(datetime(2020, 1, 1), arbitrary_function) # Date time should be in UTC

Let’s walk through how to queue up a function that notifies you when the International Space Station is flying over your location using the ISS Open Notify API.

Setting up your environment and installing dependencies

Before moving on, you will need to make sure you have an up to date version of Python 3 and pip installed. Make sure you create and activate a virtual environment before installing any dependencies.

We will be using the requests library to get data from the ISS Open Notify API, RQ Scheduler for scheduling asynchronous tasks, and the Twilio REST API for sending a text message when the space station flies by. The RQ and Redis modules will install as dependencies with RQ Scheduler. With your virtual environment activated, run the following command in your terminal to install the necessary Python libraries:

pip install rq-scheduler==0.9.1 requests==2.22.0 twilio==6.31.1

In order for RQ to work, you'll need to install Redis on your machine. That can be done with the following commands using wget:

tar xzf redis-5.0.5.tar.gz
cd redis-5.0.5

Run Redis in a separate terminal window on the default port with the command src/redis-server from the directory where it's installed.

Writing functions as tasks to schedule

We can’t schedule a function if it doesn’t exist! So let’s begin by writing code that will call the Open Notify API for a given set of coordinates and print the next time that the ISS will fly by that latitude and longitude.

Create a file called (an “International Space Station” module) in the directory where you want your code to live, and add the following function:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

import requests

ISS_URL = ''

def get_next_pass(lat, lon):
    location = { 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon }
    response = requests.get(ISS_URL, params=location).json()

    if 'response' in response:
        next_pass = response['response'][0]['risetime']
        next_pass_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(next_pass, tz=pytz.utc)
        print('Next pass for {}, {} is: {}'
              .format(lat, lon, next_pass_datetime))
        return next_pass_datetime
        print('No ISS flyby can be determined for {}, {}'.format(lat, lon))

The get_next_pass function in this code will make a request to the Open Notify API with a given latitude and longitude, check to see if there is a valid response, and then convert the timestamp received from the API into a Python datetime object and print the corresponding time that the ISS will fly overhead next.

To test this code, open a Python shell and run the following two lines. For this example we will use the Twilio Headquarters in San Francisco as our test location (latitude: 37.788052, longitude: -122.391472):

from iss import get_next_pass
get_next_pass(37.788052, -122.391472)

You should see something along the lines of: Next pass for 37.788052, -122.391472 is: 2019-12-04 23:29:19+00:00 with an appropriate timestamp.

International Space Station

Send a text with Twilio?

Let’s write a quick function to send a text message with the Twilio API. For this, you’re going to need to create a Twilio account and buy a phone number. Twilio phone numbers have a monthly cost, but it’s free if you’re using a trial account to test your code during development.

Once you have a Twilio phone number, update to include code to send a text message:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

import requests
from import Client

# Don't forget to set environment variables for your
# Account Sid and Auth Token from
client = Client()

ISS_URL = ''

def get_next_pass(lat, lon):
    location = { 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon }
    response = requests.get(ISS_URL, params=location).json()

    if 'response' in response:
        next_pass = response['response'][0]['risetime']
        next_pass_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(next_pass, tz=pytz.utc)
        print('Next pass for {}, {} is: {}'
              .format(lat, lon, next_pass_datetime))
        return next_pass_datetime
        print('No ISS flyby can be determined for {}, {}'.format(lat, lon))

def send_text_message(from_, to, body):
    client.messages.create(from_=from_, to=to, body=body)

Make sure to grab your Account SID and Auth Token from your Twilio Console, and save them as environment variables named TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, which the Twilio Python library will grab automatically when you run your code.

If you want to test this code, open up a Python shell and run the following:

from iss import send_text_message
send_text_message('your_twilio_number', 'your_phone_number', 'Look up! The ISS is flying above you!')

Replace the values you pass to the function call with your Twilio phone number and your personal number. You should receive a text message telling you to look up!

Scheduling a task with RQ Scheduler

Now that we have a function that provides us with a datetime, and a function that sends a text message, we can use RQ Scheduler. Create another file called, and add the following code to it:

from datetime import datetime

from redis import Redis
from rq_scheduler import Scheduler

import iss

scheduler = Scheduler(connection=Redis()) # Get a scheduler for the "default" queue

next_pass = iss.get_next_pass(37.788052, -122.391472)

if next_pass:
    scheduler.enqueue_at(next_pass, iss.send_text_message,
                         'your_twilio_number, 'your_phone_number',
                         'Look up! The ISS is flying above you!')

This is just a quick script that calls the other functions you wrote, one to find out when the ISS is passing by your location next, and another that will send you a text message. In this example, I'm using the coordinates for the Twilio office in San Francisco, but you can change the latitude and longitude to be wherever you are.

Before being able to run this code, you have to make sure you're running a Redis server, an RQ worker, and the RQ Scheduler process all in other terminal windows. You should already have ran the Redis server by using the command src/redis-server from the directory where you installed Redis. Open two more terminal windows, and in both of them navigate to the directory where your code exists and activate your virtual environment for this project. In one window run the command rqworker and in another run the command rqscheduler.

With this done, you should be ready to run your code to schedule a text message notification:


After this, you should receive a text message the next time the International Space Station flies over your location! If there is no predicted time, try it again with different coordinates. Now all you have to do is wait...

Traveling through time

Chrono Trigger

This is great, but it's understandable if you don't feel like waiting around just to see if your code works. If you want instant gratification, we can use the time traveling method. On Unix based systems, you can change your system time using the date command.

If the space station is supposed to fly by on December 5th, 2019 at 4:02, then on Linux you can run date -s "12/05/2019 03:02:00". On OSX you would run date 1205160219 (you can even use the -u argument if you want to use a UTC time zone, which corresponds to the datetime your Python code is printing). If all else fails, there are also GUI options to change your computer's time on most operating systems.

On OSX you can set (and reset) this by opening "Date & Time" in your System Preferences

System time

If you want to receive notifications every time the ISS passes by instead of just once, you can schedule another notification after each message by modifying your send_text_message function in and adding the appropriate import statements:

from redis import Redis
from rq_scheduler import Scheduler

scheduler = Scheduler(connection=Redis()) # Get a scheduler for the "default" queue

def send_text_message(from_, to, body):
    client.messages.create(from_=from_, to=to, body=body)
    scheduler.enqueue_at(get_next_pass(lat, lon), iss.send_text_message,
                        'your_twilio_number, 'your_phone_number',
                         'Look up! The ISS is flying above you!')

To Infinity and Beyond

Now that you can receive text messages whenever the International Space Station flies by, you can use RQ Scheduler for all of your Python scheduling needs. The possibilities are endless.

For another example of a project that uses RQ, check out this post on how to create a phone number that plays computer generated music that sounds like the soundtracks of old Nintendo games.