Extend the Native Twilio Flex-Salesforce Integration

July 06, 2020
Written by
Reviewed by
Matthias Damm
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

Flex Native Integration Banner

Last year we announced Flex Salesforce CTI (Computer Telephony Interface) Generally Availability, with support for both Salesforce Classic and Lightning. Flex Salesforce CTI integration enables you to supercharge your Salesforce Sales and Service Cloud with omnichannel customer communications. Once you’ve successfully installed the CTI integration, you will be able to access Flex via Salesforce’s openCTI utility bar component. This enables you to:

  • Perform automatic search and screen pop to present contextual information to agents
  • Keep the Salesforce screen in sync for agents moving between tasks with context switching
  • Create an automatic record of engagements going through Flex
  • Use Single Sign-On (SSO) to authenticate directly to Flex when logging in from Salesforce
  • Use dual monitors to let agents take full advantage of both Flex and Salesforce real estate
  • Click a phone number in Salesforce to perform an outbound call

You can get read more about the native Flex Salesforce Integration here.

This blog post walks you through steps to extend the native Flex Salesforce Integration using Flex's Programmability.

Tutorial prerequisites

Before we can get started building a more advanced integration, you need to make sure you have accounts with Twilio and Salesforce. You will need:

  • A Free Twilio Account. If you sign up through this link, you'll receive an extra $10 if you upgrade
  • A Salesforce Account. You can sign up here for a free developer edition
  • A Flex Project. If you don't have one yet, these quickstarts will help guide you

And with that, you're ready to start.

How it works

Flex Salesforce Integration utilizes Salesforce's openCTI Framework. With Flex's Action Framework and Salesforce's openCTI methods, one could

Flex SFDC Integration Diagram showing how it fits in Salesforce

Creating the interactions between the two systems forms the Integration. Some examples of the interactions between the two systems are shown below :

Incoming Call  - AcceptTask-->Search And Screen Pop
Incoming Call  - SelectTask-->Search And Screen Pop
Make an Outbound Call <--User Clicks a Phone Number 
Incoming Call  - AcceptTask-->Log Task to CRM (Task Accepted) 
Incoming Call  - SelectTask-->Log Task to CRM (Task Viewed)

Why and when would you want to extend your Flex integration

When your organization has specific needs beyond what's available in Flex's Integration with Salesforce, you can simply extend the integration's functionality by adding your required features on top of native integration using Flex Plugins. To do so, you will use the same architecture that Flex's Integration with Salesforce, as described above, uses.

The architecture of extending the Flex Integration with Salesforce would look like this:

Extending the Flex Integration with Salesforce diagram

Some scenarios when you might want to deploy additional features to your Flex-Salesforce Integration are

  • You want to save information about the Customer in your Salesforce Custom Object
  • You want to create a new case for each incoming request in background (fully automated) and associate that with the Contact record
  • You want to trigger a workflow in Salesforce when Agent finishes a task in Flex
  • ... and so on.

Let's walk through this in detail. Let’s get started

Developer Environment Setup

Let's make sure you have the software you need to extend your Flex-Salesforce Integration. For this, you will need:

Create your own basic plugin

In order to extend the default Flex-Salesforce integration, you must first scaffold a new plugin by using the Twilio Plugin builder:

npx create-flex-plugin plugin-sfdc
cd plugin-sfdc
npm install

Depending on wether you are using Salesforce Classic or Salesforce Lightning, you'll need to import a different SDK. You can read more about this in the official Salesforce documentation. The rest of the blog post will discuss development for a Salesforce Lightning org. Some imports and functions can differ for a Salesforce Classic org, but you can easily modify it after following the official documentation.

import { loadScript } from './helpers/load-script';

Add custom Screen Pop functionality

Instead of opening a new Case creation wizard, you can fetch a Contact matching the caller's phone number (or create one if the number isn't found). Once you have the Contact, you can create a new case, link it to the Contact, and show it to a representative. When relevant events occur (e.g. the call has ended), you can attach logs to the case for future reporting inside of Salesforce.

Automatic creation of a new case

The OpenCTI SDK cannot fetch data and handle it in another way than screen popping a record, so you'll need to write an Apex class that can read and write data. Click on the cogwheel in the top right corner and select Developer Console. In the Popup, select File > New > Apex Class and name it TwilioHelper.

Salesforce Developer Console

public  class TwilioHelper {

    public static Contact fetchContact(String phoneNumber) {
        //Fetch information about contact, modify query if needed
        if(phoneNumber == null) {
            return null;
        List<Contact> contactList = [
            Select Id, Firstname 
            From Contact
            Where MobilePhone =: phoneNumber OR Phone =: phoneNumber
            Limit 1
        return contactList.size() > 0 ? contactList[0] : createContact(phoneNumber);

    public static Contact createContact(String phoneNumber)  {
        Contact cont = new Contact(
            LastName = 'Unknown',
            Phone = phoneNumber
        insert cont;
        return cont;

    public static Case createCase(Contact cont)  {
        Case cas = new Case(
            ContactId = cont.Id
        insert cas;
        return cas;


Replacing an action like accepting a task needs careful evaluation of the impact on other plugins. This plugin runs alongside the Salesforce Integration plugin, which utilizes a similar set of actions, which could lead to unforeseen consequences. 

In this case, we are reacting to the fact that an event has occured. We strongly recommend to add a listener, instead of completely replacing the action.

Advanced logging

Now that you have a case for each incoming call, let's attach event logs to it. We will create a custom object (Cogwheel > Setup > Object Manager > Create) inside Salesforce in order to separate communications from logging. This object

  • is called TwilioCallLog
  • is a child object of Case
  • has a Status field with the options Reservation accepted , Wrapup and Completed
  • has a Duration field that stores the time in seconds the task was in this state

Twilio Call Log Custom Object

All we have to do now is to listen to Flex events and trigger the saveLog() function in the OpenCTI SDK!

logEvent(identifier, event, pastEvent) {
  let caseInfo = this.cases[identifier];
  let now = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
  caseInfo[event] = { startTime: now };
  let caseId = caseInfo.caseId;

  // if there was a logged event before this one, update it with duration
  if(pastEvent) {
    let params = {
      entityApiName: 'TwilioCallLog__c',
      Id: caseInfo[pastEvent].logId,
      Duration__c: now-caseInfo[pastEvent].startTime

  // log current event
  let params = {
      entityApiName: 'TwilioCallLog__c',
      Name: `${identifier} - ${event}`,
      Case__c: caseId,
      Status__c: event
  this.sfApi.saveLog({value:params, callback:(payload) => caseInfo[event].logId =  payload.returnValue.recordId});

All that is left now is to deploy your plugin.

You can find the full code in the GitHub repositories for the Flex plugin and the Salesforce Apex classes.

We hope you found this useful and can't wait to see how you extend the Flex-Salesforce Integration for your organization's needs.

Andrej is a Senior Solutions Engineer at Twilio. He's currently helping companies in EMEA design great customer engagement solutions powered by Twilio. He can be reached at asaweljew [at] twilio.com, or you can collaborate with him on GitHub at https://github.com/andrej-s.

Abhijit is a Technical Product Manager at Twilio. During his role in the Flex team, he originally launched the Flex-Salesforce Integration and is excited to collaborate with Andrej on this blog help customer extend the native functionality. He can be reached at amehta[at]twilio.com.