5 Ways to Make HTTP Requests in PHP
Time to read: 11 minutes
HTTP requests are a hallmark of modern, web-based applications—especially in PHP. We have to interact with all manner of APIs and external services, such as Google Cloud, Facebook, and AWS, on almost a daily basis. I’d go so far as to say that it might well be one of the first things that you learn after you’ve mastered PHP’s foundations. It was for me.
That said, like many modern software development languages, there’s more than one way to make HTTP requests. So in this post, I’m going to introduce you to five of the most common options for making them in PHP. I’ll show how to use them and cover some of their respective strengths and weaknesses. I won’t explore them in intimate detail, rather give a broad introduction to each one.
The approaches that I’ll cover are:
With each one, we're going to step through a code example that will download a selection of 10 images of Kakadu National Park (in Australia) using Flickr’s API, such as the one below.

“Sunset over Yellow Waters Billabong, Kakadu National Park, NT, Australia” by Geoff Whalan, which is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
To complete the tutorial, you will need the following things:
- PHP 7.4 or newer (ideally version 8) with the cURL and OpenSSL extensions installed and enabled, and the allow_url_fopen runtime setting enabled
- Composer installed globally
- Git (required for Composer to work fully)
- Grep
- A Flickr account and a Flickr API key
Before we begin
Throughout this tutorial, we’re going to create five PHP scripts, however, before we can get started we need to do a few things:
- Create a project directory
- Install PHP dotenv
- Add our Flickr API key in a .env file so that we don't accidentally store it in the example code
To complete the first two, run the three commands below.
Next, in the project directory create a new file named .env, and in that file insert the code below. Replace the placeholder, <FLICKR API KEY>
, with your Flickr API key.
With that, we're ready to begin!
Core PHP Functionality & Extensions
Let’s start with the options available as part of PHP's core functionality and extensions.
HTTP/S stream wrapper
Quoting the PHP manual:
Allows read-only access to files/resources via HTTP 1.0, using the HTTP GET method. A Host:
header is sent with the request to handle name-based virtual hosts. If you have configured a user_agent string using your php.ini file or the stream context, it will also be included in the request.
As streams are part of PHP’s core, you don’t have to do much to make use of their functionality. What’s more, they integrate with many of PHP’s core functions, such as fopen and file_get_contents. Consequently, you don’t need to install a third-party library or custom extension to start using it.
On the flip side, they don’t have as intuitive an interface, nor the helper utility methods that third-party libraries such as GuzzleHttp and Symfony’s HTTP client, do. In addition, it:
- Only supports read (GET) not write (POST, PUT, and DELETE), requests
- Only supports a limited set of context options, such as the user agent, redirect, headers, timeout, and proxy. That said, you can do quite a bit with these.
Note: Depending on your use case, being limited to HTTP/1.0 might be a problem. However, in the five examples in this tutorial, it isn’t. If you’d like to learn more about the differences between HTTP 1.0, 1.1. and 2, check out this excellent post from Digital Ocean.
That said, you can get up and running with it fairly quickly. Let’s step through an example of how to do so. In the php-http directory, create an empty PHP file named http-stream.php, and in there, paste the code below.
The code above first defines a set of constants that the script will make use of for interacting with Flickr’s API and for saving the downloaded images.
After that, as stream wrappers provide no native way to build an HTTP query string, one is built using PHP’s http_build_query function. Alternatively, we could use native string concatenation or sprintf, but http_build_query
is cleaner and more intuitive.
After that, fopen is used to create a read-only HTTP connection to Flickr’s API. Following that, stream_get_contents retrieves the contents of the request, which is then unserialized into a plain old PHP object.
In short, these two function calls make a transparent photo search request against Flickr’s API and download a maximum of 10 images. If there are results for the request, they’re then downloaded by calling file_get_contents, and written to the local filesystem using file_put_contents.
You can say many things about PHP, but it sure is extremely flexible and accommodating. The ability to use existing PHP functions is a definite positive, even if, in this case, the function names aren’t the most intuitive for what is being done. However, by using stream wrappers no additional dependencies are required, so you can get up and running fairly quickly.
Test that the code works
Now that the code's written, let's test it to make sure that it works. To do that, run the commands below.
You should see output similar to the example below.
After the command completes, if you look in the photos directory, you should see ten JPEG files.
PHP’s cURL extension
Next, let’s see how to do the same thing using PHP’s cURL extension. Before we can begin, check that the cURL extension is available in your PHP runtime by running the following command:
If the extension is installed and enabled, you will see “cURL support => enabled” printed to the terminal. Create a new file in the project directory named curl.php and copy the code below into it.
Note: In the example code above, I’ve deliberately not included the constants, the call to http_build_query
, and the definition of $requestUri
, as they’re the same as in the stream example. Make sure you copy those from the stream example if you’re following along locally.
To begin, we have to call curl_init which initializes a cURL session. This provides a handle which the remaining code requires to make HTTP requests. After that, two options are set:
: This instructs cURL to return the result of a request instead of echoing it out immediatelyCURLOPT_URL
: This sets the URL to request
Both of these options were set individually. However, we could have set them in one call using curl_setopt_array, as in the example below.
With cURL configured, curl_exec is called to make the request to the Flickr API, storing the result in $result
. After that, the response is unserialized to a plain old PHP object, as in the previous example, and curl_close is called to close the cURL session and free all associated resources.
With the response returned, the code then iterates through it and downloads each of the 10 images. The process is reasonably similar to the streams example and could have used the download code verbatim. However, I wanted to show a more cURL-specific implementation.
In this example, the code opens a file handle for writing, downloads the file content and writes it to the new file, and then closes both the curl session and file handle after doing so.
Writing the image data to the file is simplified by calling curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
, which writes the image data to the file instead of STDOUT.
This example highlights how the cURL extension is more attuned to making HTTP requests than stream wrappers are. It also shows how the cURL extension is much more configurable and powerful, potentially. In addition, the predefined constants are quite logical and intuitive.
Another thing worth pointing out is that many third-party packages, such as GuzzleHttp and Symfony’s HTTP client use the cURL extension internally. Consequently, it’s a very battle-tested extension that you may already be using—even if you’re not directly aware of it!
Note: Make sure that you test that the code works.
Third-party PHP HTTP packages
Now that we’ve looked at two native ways to make HTTP/S requests in PHP, let’s see how to do so using three of the most well-known third-party packages.
Created by Michael Dowling, GuzzleHttp is likely the most well-known and used of the three third-party libraries that I’m covering in this tutorial.
Here’s a bit of trivia. Did you know that if you’re using Laravel’s HTTP client, then you’re using GuzzleHttp under the hood? Check out the Laravel documentation.
To install the library, run the command below in the root directory of the project.
Then, create a new file in the project directory named guzzlehttp.php and copy the code below into it.
Note: I’ve omitted the constants to shorten the example.
This example is a little longer than the previous two, however, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It starts off by initializing an array that contains a set of request options:
: This enables debug output; helpful for when things go wrongquery
: This associative array is used to build a query string for the request avoiding the need to call http_build_query
After that, a new Client
object is initialized, with an associative array passed to its constructor, containing one key/value pair: base_uri
. The value of this key is a base URL that is prepended to all requests using the object.
With the Client
object initialized, a request is made by calling the object’s request
method, with three parameters passed to the call:
- The HTTP method to use (GET)
- The request's path (
) - An associative array of request data (
Following that, the results for the request are retrieved and unserialized into a PHP object representation by passing the results of $response->getBody()->getContents()
to PHP’s unserialize function; this is quite similar to the two previous examples.
After that, the images are downloaded to the photos directory. It’s quite similar to the stream wrapper example, however, there is a key difference. Instead of using a combination of file_get_contents
and file_put_contents
, Guzzle’s able to download the file with one call to $client->get
because of the array provided as the second parameter to the call.
The array's sink
option instructs Guzzle to write the response content in the file specified in sink
’s value. If sink
wasn’t provided, the response would be stored in a temporary file using PHP’s php://temp
stream wrapper.
This example shows where a custom library can shine over PHP’s native functionality. It has classes, methods, and method parameters that are logical, intuitive, and specifically designed for making HTTP/S requests; ones that simplify the effort required.
While longer than the previous examples, I’m generally more comfortable using Guzzle than using either PHP streams or the cURL extension.
Finally, here are two final, bonus points about Guzzle:
- It implements both PSR-7 (HTTP message interfaces) and PSR-18 (HTTP Client), making it interoperable with code and frameworks that make use of those standards
- The library is nicely documented. Good docs often make a library a pleasure to use.
Note: Make sure that you test that the code works.
Next, let’s take a look at Httpful. To quote the documentation:
Httpful is a simple, chainable, readable PHP library intended to make speaking HTTP sane. It lets the developer focus on interacting with APIs instead of sifting through curl set_opt pages and is an ideal PHP REST client.
Here’s a nice excerpt from its Request
class that reinforces the quote:
There is an emphasis on readability without losing concise syntax.
To install the library, run the command below.
Then, create a new file in the project directory named httpful.php and copy the code below into it.
Note: As with the other examples, I’ve omitted code common to the earlier examples.
The code starts by building a query string using http_build_query
. This is then concatenated with the BASE_URL
constant to create the request URL to send to Flickr. The URL is then passed to a static call to Request
’s get
method to make a GET request to Flickr’s API.
is the class through which requests are made with the library. It supports several methods to make them, including post
, patch
, delete
, options
, and head
, in addition to get
It also includes many other supporting methods, including:
for attaching filesaddHeader/s
for adding headers to the requestbasicAuth
for authenticationmime
for setting the Content-Type and Expected headersfollowRedirects
for following redirect requests
As with the previous examples, the body of the response ($response->body
) was then unserialized into a plain old PHP object, if the body was available.
The code for downloading the images is quite similar to the previous examples, making use of file_put_contents
to write the files to the local filesystem, as the library does not provide a method to do that.
Httpful is, perhaps, the simplest to use of the three libraries. It has a fair bit in common with GuzzleHttp, but it also does things in its own way as well. It doesn’t convert an associative array into a query string, which I would have liked, but the methods that it supports are both intuitive and logical, and the fluent interface makes it quick and easy to build and send a request.
One final point is worth noting: the library is based around PHP’s cURL extension. This further reinforces just how trusted the cURL extension is and how you can build upon it to create more powerful and expressive tooling.
Note: Make sure that you test that the code works.
Symfony's HTTP client
Finally, let’s round out the article by looking at Symfony’s HTTP client. To quote the documentation:
The HttpClient component is a low-level HTTP client with support for both PHP stream wrappers and cURL. It provides utilities to consume APIs and supports synchronous and asynchronous operations.
To install it, run the command below.
Then, create a new file in the project directory named symfony.php and copy the code below into it.
The code starts, similarly to the GuzzleHttp example, by defining an associative array of request data. As before, it defines debug
to enable debug mode and query
to build the query string from.
After that, it calls HttpClient
’s static create
method to instantiate an HTTP client for making requests, passing to it some default request options, ones that will be used on all requests.
After that, $client
’s request
method is called to make the request, where the HTTP method, GET
, the base request URL, BASE_URL
, and query data are supplied, with the response being stored in $response
Here, we departed a little from the previous examples by first retrieving the status code of the response (getStatusCode
) and the content-type header ($response->getHeaders()['content-type'][0]
), before retrieving and unserializing the response body into a plain old PHP object ($response->getContent()
Following that, how the images are downloaded is, again, largely similar to the previous examples. As with the Httpful example, it makes use of file_put_contents
to write the files to the local filesystem, as there is no method in the library that does it for us.
After a bit of usage, I found Symfony’s HTTP client comparable to GuzzleHttp in terms of functionality, expressiveness, and intuitiveness. The class, method, and parameter names make sense, and the library is easy to use, e.g., it simplifies creating a query string from an associative array. Consequently, it greatly simplifies the effort required in making HTTP/S requests.
Note: Make sure that you test that the code works.
That's 5 ways to make HTTP requests in PHP
We looked at how to make them using PHP’s HTTP/S stream wrapper, PHP’s cURL extension, GuzzleHttp, Httpful, and Symfony’s HTTP client. In addition to a fairly simplistic usage example for each one, we briefly considered some of the merits of each approach.
While each of the 5 options covered here can be used in any project, from experience, the larger and more complex your project the better you may well be served by using one of the third-party packages. If so, my recommendation is GuzzleHttp.
In these instances, the third-party packages will likely improve both efficiency and enjoyment, resulting in considerable developer time saved. That said, while not wanting to talk them down, PHP’s cURL extension or HTTP/S stream wrapper may be all that you need. Sometimes less is more!
One last thing: thank you to all those who provided feedback when I was researching this article! It helped me immeasurably in both writing and refining it.
Happy hacking! I can’t wait to see what you build with them.
Matthew Setter is a PHP Editor in the Twilio Voices team and (naturally) a PHP developer. He’s also the author of Mezzio Essentials and Deploy With Docker Compose. When he’s not writing PHP code, he’s editing great PHP articles here at Twilio. You can find him at msetter@twilio.com, Linked, and GitHub.
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