Twilio Tech Talk Video: Design, Code, and Act Like A Superhero

March 07, 2013
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When developers and designers come together, they solve curious cases and they give us all super powers. That’s what we found out last week at our Designers and Developers Meetup, hosted at Twilio HQ.

Rebecca Bortman, front end designer at SnapGuide, broke down how we can all unleash our superhero powers and make ourselves and our team more awesome-er. Twilions Nina Mehta and Danielle Leong talked about how developers and designers can communicate in the same language, and solve problems.

Join our Meetup Group to stay current on our upcoming talks and meetups.

The Curious Case of The Developer On The Design Team

Twilio front end developer Danielle Leong and designer Nina Mehta hosted “The Curious Case of The Developer On The Design Team,” the key to communicating well with your co-workers.

How To Be A Superhero

Rebecca Bortman applies superhero principles to design and development, and helps you find your own origin story, poetic justice, and super power.

To catch the next talk and the next meetup Twilio HQ, join our Meetup Group!