Inspiration for Going Green with Twilio This Week

July 15, 2010
Written by
John Sheehan
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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This week for our developer contest we’re challenging you to use Twilio voice and/or SMS to improve the environment.  You could win a Netbook and $100 in developer credit from Twilio if you come up with the most unique, powerful, creative submission.  How you can you use Twilio to help people or companies be more green? If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are a couple ideas to start from.

Raise Awareness & Coordinate Efforts

Using SMS group messaging you can coordinate with others to take on your green initiatives. Messages and phone calls can let people know about upcoming events they can attend. Have an existing group of volunteers? Mobilize them with real-time information about where they can best be utilized.

Group calling can also be a great way to organize a carpool to work or to get your kid’s little league team to their next away game.


Teach people how to live the green lifestyle through SMS tips and reminders. Or you could use Twilio to create a phone or SMS campaign to educate people about an initiative you are passionate about.

Another way to keep people informed would be to set up a hotline for people to call in to learn more about your organization. For example, Earth911 uses Twilio to provide a recycling hotline to help people find the nearest recycling centers.

Save Resources

Automate a resource-consuming process with phone calls. Send out a lot of paper surveys? Try replacing them with phone-based surveys for faster responses that don’t need to be recycled.

These ideas are just scratching the surface for how you could positively impact the environment using Twilio. What’s your great idea? Build and submit your app by this Sunday at 11:59PM PST for a chance to win a netbook.