Call the Milk Wins Netbook Week #4 – This Week: Open Source It!

June 16, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Do you find yourself thinking of things to add to your to-do list at the most inconvenient times and places?  Do you wish you could capture your to-do list as you think of it, instead of trying force it out of your brain and onto paper when you’re in a rush? If you strive to capture your to do list (and cross items off) you’re going to love this week’s winner: CallTheMilk.

CallTheMilk was created by Brian “Beans” Levine to solve these problems.

The service integrates the power of voice with the simplicity and utility of Remember the Milk, a popular tool for capturing to-do lists and providing contextual reminders (especially among Getting Things Done fans like myself).

Getting Set Up with CallTheMilk

  1. Apply for your RTM api key. It’s instant and free.
  2. Tell CallTheMilk your api key and cell phone number
  3. Call (760) 406-8607 and speak the new task. CallTheMilk recognizes you from your caller id, and adds the new task right away!

Week #5 Challenge: Open Source It!

We’ve seen many fantastic submissions and winners who have made their code available to developers through open source, and we encourage you to make a contribution to the open source community using Twilio.  This category is wide open, so if you’ve submitted in a previous week and are willing to open source your code we’d love to have you back to give it another try.  Click here to submit

P.S.  Kyle Conroy wrote a PHP Twilio response library to help you get started, and we’d love to see (hint hint) a Ruby library one of these days…