Brian Fountain Wins Twilio Prize at NYC Game Hack Day

August 12, 2011
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Brian Fountain
We met Brian Fountain at NYC Game Hack Day where he built uChoos, a phone-based ‘choose your own adventure’ game which won him the $250 Twilio prize at the event. The event is a 24-hour hackathon dedicated to building games.

You can check out the demo adventure “Evil Mountain” by calling (917) 338-3991.

Brian got the idea to build this the day before the event and thought it would fit the bill of something he could build over the course of 24 hours, saying “I had a prototype fairly quickly but I soon realized that if I was going to present it in front of an audience, I would need to create some content for it. So I took the subway home and wrote out a quick story, recorded the audio and rushed back to the hack day. The demo came together just in time.”

uChoos is built in Ruby on Rails and deployed on Heroku. Brian is a big fan of Twilio, because we “make it really easy to build and launch applications that use Voice and SMS.” He said that incorporating Twilio was the most painless part of the development process since he had the Ruby helper libraries which made it “dead simple to implement.”

Check out the app and if you have any other cool apps you’ve been working on, send them our way or enter one of our contests.

Congratulations Brian for winning the Twilio prize and best of luck with all your future projects! If you’d like to reach out to Brian, visit his website or send him a message on Twitter.