Compliance Toolkit for Twilio Messaging is currently in Private Beta.
This feature is currently in Private Beta, which means that we're actively looking for early adopters to try it out. That could be you!
Interested to try it out? Fill out this contact form to get access! Learn more about beta product support
Compliance Toolkit is not a HIPAA Eligible Service and should not be used in Compliance Toolkit workflows that are subject to HIPAA.
Compliance Toolkit uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. By enabling or using this feature, you acknowledge and agree that your use of this feature is governed by and subject to the terms of the Twilio Compliance Toolkit: AI/ML and Product Terms Addendum.
Compliance Toolkit is a product available to Twilio Messaging customers that uses Artificial Intelligence to help manage their obligations with respect to certain aspects of local regulatory and compliance requirements. Compliance Toolkit is not a comprehensive compliance solution and does not determine for the customer which of its activities is or is not compliant; it is ultimately the customer's responsibility to determine, and adhere to, their own compliance obligations.
Compliance Toolkit will use information from the 10DLC registration and the MessageIntent
parameter information to categorize messages as non-essential or essential.
Examples of Non-essential Messages:
Examples of Essential Messages:
When the customer's MessageIntent
or 10DLC registration data indicates that a message is non-essential, Compliance Toolkit will accept this classification and will not perform any further checks.
If a customer classified the message as essential in the MessageIntent
parameter, Compliance Toolkit will automatically allow this message to pass without further classification checks.
For messages initially classified by customer as essential in their 10DLC registration, Compliance Toolkit will intelligently determine and verify the classification. If the Compliance Toolkit agrees that the message is essential the message will be allowed to pass. If the Compliance Toolkit determines that the message is non-essential, it will be reclassified and will go through the scenario review process described below.
After message classification, Compliance Toolkit proactively reviews the following scenarios, and if certain predetermined criteria are met, the message will not be sent (although a customer always has the ability to override any determination made by Compliance Toolkit and send the message):
For pricing information on Compliance Toolkit during Private Beta, contact Sales.
Currently this feature only supports messages terminating in the United States and in English and Spanish languages only.
If you are eligible and interested in using this feature, please fill out this contact form to turn this on for your account.
Once the feature is enabled on your account, no further actions are needed on your part.
We understand that our customers know their end-recipients the best, so you retain at all times the ability to send your messages by overriding the determination made by the Compliance Toolkit feature. You can do so by using:
, correlation_id
, sender_id
, status
, and source
to manage the opt-in and opt-out status of your contacts.Error 30610 is displayed in the Twilio error logs and the API response when a SMS delivery is blocked by Compliance Toolkit due to Messaging Silent Hours violations.
Error 21610 is displayed in the Twilio error logs and the API response when an SMS delivery is blocked by Compliance Toolkit due to Opt-Out or Reassigned Phone Number violations.
How is this different from Twilio's Message Scheduling feature?
Twilio Message Scheduling (within the Engagement Suite) enables users to schedule messages for delivery at a future date and time. Twilio Message Scheduling does not analyze the message type and then prevent non-essential messages from being sent during the relevant window.
Twilio's AI Nutrition Facts provide an overview of the AI feature you're using, so you can better understand how AI is working with your data. The qualities of Compliance Toolkit are outlined in the following Nutrition Facts label. For more information, including the glossary regarding the AI Nutrition Facts label, refer to Twilio's AI Nutrition Facts page.
Customer messaging traffic metadata is used for model training.
Standard service logging is applied and logs are stored for future review.
Learn more about this label at