Gracefully navigating the choppy waters of AI and trust with organizations and their users requires a skilled digital sailor. The ethical and digital complexities are daunting even with what might be perceived as the most straightforward use cases. To do it well, organizations must understand their customers better than ever. Even the most digitally mature organizations face barriers to adopting AI in a way that creates transparency and fosters trust with their users. When polled, organizations cited the following as their top three concerns in our research:
Research highlights the top three AI concerns for nonprofits: data privacy and security, legal and regulatory compliance, and lack of technical expertise.
These challenges are likely familiar to anyone who has tried to implement new and innovative tech tools to their organization. It takes time to establish best practices, ensure compliance, and build the right team.
While all three challenges cited deserve attention, data privacy and security is in a league of its own because of the crucial role that trust plays between organizations and their end users. It’s a delicate topic that is also playing out in the B2C world as businesses gather customer actions to better understand their preferences, wants, and needs.