Chapter 2

Marketing made for WhatsApp safeguarding

Man in a beanie and glasses looks surprised at his phone in front of a Twilio-themed graphic with bold text.


WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging app, with nearly three billion monthly active users. And because it’s the messaging platform of choice in Latin America, India and parts of Europe, it’s a vital tool if you want to reach consumers in these markets. 

With global popularity and high levels of engagement, you can use WhatsApp messaging to engage customers at every stage of the journey: from acquisition and initial outreach, to conversion and driving repeat purchases. 

Since WhatsApp is primarily a personal messaging app, it also enables conversational marketing, which builds loyal customer relationships and delivers measurable ROI. WhatsApp compliance broadly focuses on obtaining user consent, maintaining privacy through opt-ins, and safeguarding user information. 


WhatsApp user stats on a red background showing nearly 3 billion monthly active users.

Top tips for WhatsApp compliance

Red background with a white lightbulb icon and text about WhatsApp marketing rules for regulated industries.

WhatsApp Business Services provides the following requirements

Please be aware that compliance is mandatory before launching any campaign

Satisfied customer through the harnessing of speech analytics

Learn how to overcome challenges and roadblocks when implementing your WhatsApp for marketing strategy

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