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Verify Return and Error Codes



Verify v1 API has reached End of Sale. It is now closed to new customers and will be fully deprecated in the future.

For new development, we encourage you to use the Verify v2 API. v2 has an improved developer experience and new features, including:

  • Twilio helper libraries in multiple languages
  • PSD2 Secure Customer Authentication Support
  • Improved Visibility and Insights

Existing customers will not be impacted at this time until Verify v1 API has reached End of Life. For more information about migration, see Migrating from 1.x to 2.x.

As a RESTful API, Twilio's Verify API will return HTTP responses and error codes which will help verify normal behavior as well as contextualize exceptions.

Return Codes

return-codes page anchor

The following status codes are used:

200: OK Response is correct. The body of the response will include the data requested.

400: Bad Request There was an error with the request. The body of the response will have more info.

401: Unauthorized Token is invalid. If your API key is wrong a 401 will be generated. Please check the API key.

429: Too Many Requests API usage limit. If you reach API usage limits, a 429 will be returned. Please wait until you pass the limit and attempt the call again.

503: Service Unavailable There are multiple possible reasons for a HTTP 503 error.

  • Internal Twilio error.
  • Your application is accessing an API call you don't have access to.

When the API returns a status other than 200, we add an error code in the message body. This table enumerates and describes all of the possible error codes.

Error CodeHTTP StatusError MessageDescriptionCategory
60000400An error occurredDefault error message when an error is not configured correctly.ALL
60001401Invalid API keyWhen the given API key does not correspond to any Authy appALL
60002400Invalid requestA request containing invalid parameters or invalid dataALL
60003429DoS protectionClient has reached the maximum number of requests per time unit on the given endpointALL
60004400Invalid parameterThe given parameter is not validALL
60005400UTF-8 invalidClient sending request with UTF-8 invalid charactersALL
60021403Phone verification couldn't be createdAn error occurring creating phone verificationPhone Verification
60022401Verification code is incorrectThe phone verification code was incorrectPhone Verification
60023404Phone verification not foundThe phone verification was not found with the parameters givenPhone Verification
60032400SMS was not foundUsed by the Feedback API, when a record cannot be found with the given SMS idFeedback
60033400Phone number is invalidThe phone number or country code is invalidALL
60042400Either uuid or country_code and phone number are requiredInvalid parameters in phone verificationPhone Verification
60046400Missing dashboard account ids to processAccounts ids required to be processedDashboard
60060503Your account is suspendedTwilio account is suspendedPhone Verification
60064403Failed to enable OneTouchCan't update application settings on enabling OneTouchDashboard
60065403Needs to enable OneTouch firstApplication does not have onetouch enabled and is trying to do a OneTouch requestDashboard
60066403Error saving the callback informationWhen application settings can't be updated with callback informationDashboard
60069400Access key can not be savedAccess key invalid on creationDashboard
60070400Application was not validApplication was not valid on create or updateDashboard
60071404Access key not foundAccess key not foundDashboard
60072404Invalid access keyThe access key is wrongDashboard
60073400Invalid application API keyApplication API Key is wrongDashboard
60074400Access key doesn't have enough permissionsThe given access key doesn't have enough permissions to access the URLDashboard
60075400Delete application failedCan not delete application due some special condition. i.e. still has users when tried to delete the app or has pending invoicesDashboard
60078403Invalid country codeThe given country code is not validALL
60082403Can not send SMS to landline phone numbersWhen trying to send an SMS to a landline phone numberPhone Verification
60083403Phone number not provisioned with any carrierWhen trying to send a phone verification to a not provisioned phone numberPhone Verification