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Update Profile Traits (Public Beta)


Public Beta

The Update Profile Traits Widget is currently available as a Public Beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Public Beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA.


Not a HIPAA Eligible Service

The Update Profile Traits Widget is not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI compliant and should not be used in Flex or Segment workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI.

Studio uses Widgets to represent various parts of Twilio's functionality that can then be stitched together in your Studio Flow to build out robust applications that require no coding on your part.



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With the Update Profile Traits Widget, you can set or update trait values for a customer profile from within a Studio Flow. Take information you learn about a caller during a flow execution and send it to Unified Profiles to update profile trait data. This allows you to enrich profiles to personalize future customer experiences based on their profile traits.

With the Update Profile Traits Widget, you can:

  • Overwrite existing traits on a customer profile, to ensure your customer data is up-to-date. For example, update a preferred_name trait from Robert to Bob. Then, when a customer calls in again, you can correctly refer to them by their preferred name without having to ask again.
  • Write new trait data to an empty profile, to help you enrich profiles for more personalized future experiences. For example, collect a zip_code trait to help you authenticate a caller on future calls.
Update Profile Traits Widget.

Before you begin

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Before you configure and use the Update Profile Traits Widget, you'll need:

The Update Profile Traits Widget requires the following information:

Friendly nameJSON Definition KeyDescriptionDefault
Connection (Profile data source)profile_connector_instanceThe Segment instance to connect withNone
Unified Profile ID (Search Parameters)profile_connect_sidID of the profile to write to

Here's an example of a value that you might want to use in this field: {{widgets.look_up_profile_1.ProfileData.profileConnectSid}}
TraitstraitsList of key/value pairs of traits to write to the specified profile. If the trait doesn't exist, it will be created and populated with the value you send.Empty

Update Profile Traits transitions

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These events trigger transitions from this widget to another widget in your Flow. For more information on working with Studio transitions, see Studio's Getting Started guide.

Transition friendly nameKeyDescriptionWhen should Studio take this transition?
Update profileprofileUpdatedProfile was updated with provided traitsIf the profile update was successful, this should transition to a widget write succeeded state
Profile not foundprofileNotFoundProfile could not be foundWhen the profile could not be found with the profile ID provided
FailedfailedProfile failed to updateIf the profile update was unsuccessful

Example: Set the value of the trait callback_number for a customer

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This example shows how to use the Update Profile Traits Widget to set the value of the trait callback_number for a customer.

When the flow receives an incoming call, Studio checks to see if the profile has a value for the trait callback_number. If not, the flow asks the customer to provide a new one.

Once the caller provides a number, the Update Profile Traits Widget updates the trait callback_number with the new number as the value. On future calls, you can retrieve this callback number so that customers won't have to enter it again.

Example of setting a phone number as a trait using this Widget.