The Admin Center has been renamed to Twilio Admin.
Individuals whose logins are owned and overseen by an Organization are called Managed Users. The Organization has full control over the lifecycle and settings of its managed users. When we refer to 'users', we're referring to those individuals' records in the system.
Adding users to your Organization, thereby making them managed users, means that you can supervise them centrally. They can be managed by an Organization Owner or Administrator, who will have full control over the user's lifecycle and can delete users, change their name, assign them to accounts, reset their passwords — forcing them to create a new one — or require that they use two-factor authentication when signing in.
To create a managed user, an Organization Owner or Organization Administrator can navigate to the Users section in the Twilio Admin, click the Invite User button, and enter the user's email address.
If there's no user associated with the email address, Twilio will create a new user in the system. By default, this is a managed user.
If the invited user does exist in the system, Twilio will send an invitation to the user. Once they have accepted the invitation, the user will join the Organization as a managed user.
Managed users belong to an Organization. An independent user exists outside of an Organization but has access to one or more of the Organization's managed accounts. For example, you might want to add a contractor so that they can access the account they have been hired to build. Rather than add independent users to your Organization as you would manage users, you instead add them to the specific account(s) you want them to access.
All your Organization's independent users are listed in the Twilio Admin's Users section, under the Independent Users tab.
To learn more about how Organizations wrangle accounts, and the different types of accounts available, please see Managed Accounts.
Users who have been invited to join an Organization but have yet to respond are called Pending Users. They are listed under the tab of the same name in the Twilio Admin's Users section. You can choose to prompt folks taking too long to confirm their acceptance of your invitation by resending the invite.
You can invite a participant into your Organization by visiting the Twilio Admin's Users section.
To invite a user, you must first have verified the domain that owns the user's email address. You can do that in the Twilio Admin's Domains section. If they are not part of your company — i.e., their email address is not in a domain you own — then you invite them in a different way.
To learn more about how an Organization connects to its company's Internet domain, please see the Domains page.
When you invite a user to the Organization with an Admin user role, the user will be able to add themselves or invite any other user to any account managed by the Organization with any role.
When you add a user to the Organization with a standard user role, the user will only have access to the accounts they already have access to. To grant access to other accounts for a standard user, you must invite the user to the account from the accounts screen.
After a user has been sent their invitation, they will appear under the Pending Users tab.
You can bulk import existing Twilio users belonging to your verified domain into your Organization by visiting the Admin Center's Users section.
This feature is currently not enabled for all organizations. If you don't see this feature for your organization, you can request access by contacting Twilio support.
To import users, you must first have verified one or more domains. You can do that in the Admin Center's Domains section.
If the user is already part of your Organization, they will be given access to the selected account according to the role you chose. If they are not yet part of your Organization, they will be sent an email invitation — just like creating the user from scratch, as outlined above.
Account roles are not exclusive. For example, a user can be assigned both the Developer and Billing Manager roles. Because the Administrator role has the same permissions as both of these roles, if you tick the Administrator box, the others will be de-selected. You find out more about account roles in this support document.
This action will remove a user's access to your Organization and all managed accounts while leaving their user active. They can continue to log into Twilio and access accounts not managed by your Organization, but can be invited to the Organization and/or other managed accounts in the future.
You can select the same user as the owner of the accounts but the Organization will no longer be able to control the lifecycle or setting of the account(s). If you want to keep the account under the Organization's control, select a new user who is a managed user of the Organization.
This action will immediately delete and remove the user from Twilio's system, but not the accounts they own or have access to. They can create a new user for that email again in the future, but will not have access to the accounts they were previously invited to.
The list of users shown by the Twilio Admin's Users section allows you to manage users individually: just select one and click on their name.
In the General tab, you can view and update the user's settings: their name, their Organization role, and whether they must sign in using two-factor authentication.
The Accounts tab lists all the accounts the user has access to. You can select an account role from the popup list — click on Filter when you're ready to update the list — to view the accounts, if any, to which the user has the selected level of access.