The Credentials API helps you manage Public Keys or Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials in your Twilio account.
All URLs in the Credentials API reference documentation use the following base URL:
The API is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy, unencrypted HTTP isn't supported.
The Credentials API uses the same HTTP Basic Authentication as other Twilio APIs. Use your Twilio account SID as your username and your Auth Token as your password. For example:
To find your account SID and auth token, go to the API Keys & tokens section of the console. In production environments, you should use API keys to authenticate API requests.
To interact with the Credentials
endpoints, consider using the Twilio Helper Libraries.
The Credentials API contains the following resources:
Resource | Description |
PublicKeys | Manage user-provided public keys. |
AWS | Manage user-provided AWS credentials. |