Consumers have greater trust in brands that make it easy to reach out directly and that respond quickly. Trust grows out of promises kept, so being available for customers to make those requests and then following through right away builds a track record of reliability.
Again, we can see that the connection between trust and openness to dialogue is distinct, as an overwhelming 95% of consumers say they would trust a brand more if it was easy for them to initiate a conversation with the brand. Generation X and Baby Boomer consumers trust brands slightly more if they make it easy to initiate a conversation (96%).

And responding is just as important as listening, since 95% of consumers also say they would trust a brand more if they responded quickly to questions.
How quickly? In the moment. A large majority of consumers (88%) say they would be more likely to purchase from a brand online if they were able to message with them in real-time.
Real-time interaction is an important differentiator when consumers demand quick responses. In hours- or days-long gaps between asking for information and getting a reply, your business can fall off a customer’s radar while they move on to a more accommodating business.
Taking a regional view, we see even higher purchasing intent with conversational messaging in a number of countries. More than 9 in 10 consumers in Indonesia, Brazil, India, Mexico, and Singapore are more likely to purchase from a brand online if they’re able to message with them in real-time.