
5 best practices for seamless & secure user onboarding

User learning about the 5 best practices for seamless & secure user onboarding.
User learning about the 5 best practices for seamless & secure user onboarding.


Modern businesses think building an exceptional customer onboarding experience is a zero-sum game. They believe you have to choose between security and user experience (UX), giving up one to achieve the other. It’s the job of modern companies to end that trade-off and create an onboarding process that builds trust, inspires loyalty, and delights customers.

Not convinced your onboarding process should be a top business priority? Let’s look at the numbers:

  • Businesses “could do better” with onboarding new customers, according to 90% of consumers.

  • For a guaranteed good experience, 55% of customers said they’d be willing to shell out more money.

  • Nearly half (48%) of US consumers abandoned online account onboarding/setups over the past 12 months after finding the process frustrating (e.g., too difficult, time-consuming, or untrustworthy).

  • Every dollar invested into onboarding solutions returns $412 in customer lifetime value.

  • Fraud attacks went up 45% between 2019 and 2020, and rising fraud sophistication creates demand for higher identity assurance solutions.

When done right, your new onboarding UX can set your legitimate customers up for a long, successful relationship with your business while also keeping out bad actors. In this guide, we’ll share how you can build an onboarding process that:

  • Prioritizes security

  • Optimizes for UX

  • Delights legitimate users

When building a secure onboarding process that satisfies customers and keeps both their accounts and your platform safe and secure from day one, consider the best practices outlined in the rest of this guide.