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TwiML™ Voice: <ConversationRelay>


Legal notice and public beta

ConversationRelay, including the <ConversationRelay> TwiML(link takes you to an external page) noun and API, uses artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies. By enabling or using any features or functionalities within Programmable Voice that Twilio identifies as using artificial intelligence or machine learning technology, you acknowledge and agree to certain terms. Your use of these features or functionalities is subject to the terms of the Predictive and Generative AI or ML Features Addendum(link takes you to an external page).

ConversationRelay isn't Payment Card Industry (PCI)(link takes you to an external page) compliant or a HIPAA(link takes you to an external page) eligible service and doesn't support Voice workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI.

ConversationRelay is currently available as a Public Beta product, and Twilio may change the information in this document at any time. This means that some features aren't yet implemented, and others may change before the product becomes Generally Available. Public Beta products aren't covered by a Twilio Service Level Agreement. Learn more about Twilio's beta product support here(link takes you to an external page).



Before using ConversationRelay, you need to complete the onboarding steps and agree to the Predictive and Generative AI/ML Features Addendum. See the ConversationRelay Onboarding Guide for more details.

The <ConversationRelay> TwiML noun under the <Connect> verb routes a call to our ConversationRelay service, enabling advanced AI-powered voice interactions. With ConversationRelay, we simplify voice AI applications by handling the complexities of live, synchronous voice calls. These complexities include Speech-to-Text (STT) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) conversions, session management, and low-latency communication with your application. This allows your system to focus on processing conversational AI logic and sending back responses seamlessly.

In a typical setup, <ConversationRelay> connects to your AI application through a WebSocket, allowing real-time and event-based interaction. Your application receives transcribed caller speech in structured messages and sends responses as text, which ConversationRelay converts to speech and plays back to the caller. This setup is ideal for customer service, virtual assistants, and other scenarios where real-time, AI-driven voice interactions are crucial.

Basic usage

basic-usage page anchor

Before you can use <ConversationRelay>, make sure you've completed the onboarding steps and configured your Twilio account accordingly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Connect action="">
<ConversationRelay url="wss://" welcomeGreeting="Hi! Ask me anything!" />
  • action (optional): The URL that Twilio will request when the <Connect> verb ends.
  • url (required): The URL of your WebSocket server (must use the wss:// protocol).
  • welcomeGreeting (optional): The message automatically played to the caller after we answer the call and establish the WebSocket connection.

When the TwiML execution is complete, Twilio will make a callback to the action URL with call information and the return parameters from ConversationRelay.

<ConversationRelay> attributes

conversationrelay-attributes page anchor

The <ConversationRelay> noun supports the following attributes:

Attribute nameDescriptionDefault valueRequired
urlThe URL to your WebSocket server (must use wss://).Required
welcomeGreetingThe message automatically played to the caller after we answer the call and establish the WebSocket connection.Optional
welcomeGreetingInterruptibleSpecifies if the caller can interrupt the welcomeGreeting with speech.trueOptional
languageThe language code (for example, en-US) that applies to both Speech-to-Text (STT) and Text-to-Speech (TTS). Setting this attribute is equivalent to setting both ttsLanguage and transcriptionLanguage.en-USOptional
ttsLanguageThe default language code to use for TTS when the text token message doesn't specify a language. If you set both attributes, this one overrides the language attribute. You can modify this via the ttsLanguage field in the language message you send through the Service Provider Interface (SPI).Optional
ttsProviderThe provider for TTS. Available choices are Google and Amazon.GoogleOptional
voiceThe voice used for TTS. Choices vary based on the ttsProvider. For details, refer to the Twilio TTS Voices. We list additional voices available for ConversationRelay below.en-US-Journey-O (Google), Joanna-Neural (Amazon)Optional
transcriptionLanguageThe language code to use for STT when the session starts. If you set both attributes, this one overrides the language attribute for the transcription language. You can modify this via the transcriptionLanguage field in the language message you send through the SPI.Optional
transcriptionProviderThe provider for STT (Speech Recognition). Available choices are Google and Deepgram.GoogleOptional
speechModelThe speech model used for STT. Choices vary based on the transcriptionProvider. Refer to the provider's documentation for an accurate list.telephony (Google), nova-2-general (Deepgram)Optional
profanityFilterSpecifies whether to filter profanities out of the speech transcription.trueOptional
interruptibleSpecifies if caller speech can interrupt TTS playback.trueOptional
dtmfDetectionSpecifies whether the system sends Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) keypresses over the WebSocket. Set to true to enable DTMF events.falseOptional
interruptByDtmfSpecifies if DTMF keys can interrupt TTS playback.falseOptional

Additional TTS voices available for ConversationRelay

additional-tts-voices-available-for-conversationrelay page anchor

Available Google voices:

available-google-voices page anchor
  • en-US-Journey-O (default)
  • en-IN-Journey-D
  • en-IN-Journey-F
  • en-GB-Journey-D
  • en-GB-Journey-F
  • de-DE-Journey-D
  • de-DE-Journey-F
  • fr-CA-Journey-D
  • fr-CA-Journey-F
  • fr-FR-Journey-D
  • fr-FR-Journey-F
  • it-IT-Journey-D
  • it-IT-Journey-F
  • es-US-Journey-D
  • es-US-Journey-F

Available Amazon voices:

available-amazon-voices page anchor
  • Amy-Generative (en-US)
  • Matthew-Generative (en-US)
  • Ruth-Generative (en-US)
  • Olivia-Generative (en-AU)
  • Danielle-Generative (en-US)
  • Joanna-Generative (en-US)
  • Stephen-Generative (en-US)
  • Ayanda-Generative (en-ZA)
  • Léa-Generative (fr-FR)
  • Lucia-Generative (es-ES)
  • Mía-Generative (es-MX)
  • Lupe-Generative (es-US)
  • Vicki-Generative (de-DE)

Include nested elements within <ConversationRelay> for more granular configuration. For more information on configuring ConversationRelay, refer to the ConversationRelay Onboarding Guide.

The <Language> element maps a language code to specific TTS and STT settings. Use this element to configure multiple languages for your session.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ConversationRelay url="wss://">
<Language code="sv-SE" ttsProvider="amazon" voice="Elin-Neural" transcriptionProvider="google" speechModel="long"/>
<Language code="en-US" ttsProvider="google" voice="en-US-Journey-O" />


Attribute nameDescription of attributesDefault valueRequired
codeThe language code (for example, en-US) that applies to both STT and TTS.Required
ttsProviderThe provider for TTS. Choices are Google and Amazon.Inherited from <ConversationRelay>Optional
voiceThe voice used for TTS. Choices vary based on the ttsProvider.Inherited from <ConversationRelay>Optional
transcriptionProviderThe provider for STT. Choices are Google and Deepgram.Inherited from <ConversationRelay>Optional
speechModelThe speech model used for STT. Choices vary based on the transcriptionProvider.Inherited from <ConversationRelay>Optional


  • If you specify the same language code in both <ConversationRelay> and <Language>, the settings in <Language> take precedence.
  • ConversationRelay provides default settings for commonly used languages.

The <Parameter> element allows you to send custom parameters from the TwiML directly into the initial "setup" message sent over the WebSocket. These parameters appear under the customParameters field in the JSON message.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ConversationRelay url="wss://">
<Parameter name="foo" value="bar"/>
<Parameter name="hint" value="Annoyed customer"/>

Resulting Setup Message

"type": "setup",
"sessionId": "VX00000000000000000000000000000000",
"callSid": "CA00000000000000000000000000000000",
"...": "...",
"customParameters": {
"foo": "bar",
"hint": "Annoyed customer"

Language settings and their default values

language-settings-and-their-default-values page anchor

Language settings refer to configurations for both Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text:

  • Text-to-Speech (TTS) settings:
    • ttsLanguage
    • ttsProvider
    • voice
  • Speech-to-Text (STT) settings:
    • transcriptionLanguage
    • transcriptionProvider
    • speechModel

Configure language settings

configure-language-settings page anchor

Configure language settings in two places:

  1. Attributes of <ConversationRelay>: These serve as the default settings used when the session starts.
  2. Within <Language> Elements: Each <Language> element configures settings for a specific language code. You can include multiple <Language> elements to support multiple languages.

Handle defaults and overrides

handle-defaults-and-overrides page anchor
  • In <ConversationRelay>, the ttsLanguage attribute overrides the language attribute for the default TTS language.
  • In <ConversationRelay>, the transcriptionLanguage attribute overrides the language attribute for the STT language.
  • If a <Language> element specifies the same code attribute as in <ConversationRelay>, the <Language> element's settings take precedence.
  • The system uses default values when you don't provide specific settings.

Default Values

  • language: Defaults to en-US if not specified.
  • ttsProvider: Defaults to Google if not specified.
  • transcriptionProvider: Defaults to Google if not specified.
  • If you set the ttsProvider attribute without the voice attribute, the system uses a default voice for that provider.
  • If you set the transcriptionProvider attribute without the speechModel attribute, the system uses a default model for that provider.
  • If you set the voice attribute without the ttsProvider attribute, the system infers the provider from the default or specified ttsProvider.
  • If you set the speechModel attribute without the transcriptionProvider attribute, the system infers the provider from the default or specified transcriptionProvider.

For Speech-to-Text (STT) settings:

  • At session start, the service uses the transcriptionLanguage attribute to initiate the STT session.
  • If the combination of the transcriptionProvider and speechModel attributes is invalid, the call disconnects, and the system reports an error in the action callback and error notifications.
  • You can change the transcriptionLanguage attribute during the session via the language message you send through the Service Provider Interface (SPI).

For Text-to-Speech (TTS) settings:

  • When the lang property is present in the text token message from the SPI, the service uses it to select the TTS voice.
  • If the combination of the ttsProvider and voice attributes is invalid, the system sends an error message over the SPI.
  • If you don't specify the lang property in the text token, the service uses the current TTS language settings.

Service Provider Interface (SPI) specification

service-provider-interface-spi-specification page anchor

ConversationRelay interacts with your application server via a WebSocket connection specified by the url attribute. Messages exchanged follow this Service Provider Interface (SPI) specification.

Messages from ConversationRelay to your application

messages-from-conversationrelay-to-your-application page anchor

ConversationRelay sends this message immediately after establishing the WebSocket connection.

"type": "setup",
"sessionId": "VX00000000000000000000000000000000",
"callSid": "CA00000000000000000000000000000000",
"from": "+14151234567",
"to": "+18881234567",
"direction": "inbound",
"...": "...",
"customParameters" : {
"foo": "bar"

ConversationRelay sends this message when the caller says something.

"type": "prompt",
"voicePrompt": "Hi! Can you tell me about life?",
"lang": "en-US",
"last": true

ConversationRelay sends this message when you enable DTMF detection and the caller presses a key.

"type": "dtmf",
"digit": "1"

ConversationRelay sends this message when the caller interrupts TTS playback by speaking.

"type": "interrupt",
"utteranceUntilInterrupt": "Life is a complex set of",
"durationUntilInterruptMs": "460"

ConversationRelay sends this message when an error occurs during the session.

"type": "error",
"description": "Invalid message received: { \"foo\" : \"bar\" }"

Messages from your application to ConversationRelay

messages-from-your-application-to-conversationrelay page anchor

Send text tokens, and ConversationRelay converts them into speech.

"type": "text",
"token": "Hello world!",
"last": false

Best practices

  • Use streaming text tokens for smoother TTS playback.
  • Set "last": true when you have sent the final token of a message.

Request to play media to the caller.

"type": "play",
"source": "",
"loop": 1,
"preemptible": false
  • source attribute (Required): The URL of the media to play.
  • loop attribute (Optional, default is 1): Number of times to play the media. A value of 0 plays it 1,000 times (maximum).
  • preemptible attribute (Optional, default is false): If set to true, subsequent text or play messages will stop this media playback.

Request to send DTMF digits to the caller. ConversationRelay sends digits as per Twilio's <Play> digits attribute(link takes you to an external page).

"type": "sendDigits",
"digits": "9www4085551212"

Change the transcription and TTS language during the session.

"type": "language",
"ttsLanguage": "sv-SE",
"transcriptionLanguage": "en-US"


This affects future TTS and STT sessions.

End the session and return control of the call to Twilio through ConversationRelay.

"type": "end",
"handoffData": "{\"reasonCode\":\"live-agent-handoff\", \"reason\": \"The caller wants to talk to a real person\"}"
  • handoffData attribute: Optional JSON string containing data to pass back in the action callback.

Result of TwiML execution

result-of-twiml-execution page anchor

<Connect> action URL callback

connect-action-url-callback page anchor

When an action URL is specified in the <Connect> verb, ConversationRelay will make a request to that URL when the <Connect> verb ends. The request includes call information and session details.

Example Payloads

Session ended by application example

session-ended-by-application-example page anchor
"AccountSid": "AC00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallSid": "CA00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallStatus": "in-progress",
"From": "client:caller",
"To": "test:voxray",
"Direction": "inbound",
"ApplicationSid": "AP00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionId": "VX00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionStatus": "ended",
"SessionDuration": "25",
"HandoffData": "{\"reason\": \"The caller requested to talk to a real person\"}"

Error occurred during session example

error-occurred-during-session-example page anchor
"AccountSid": "AC00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallSid": "CA00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallStatus": "in-progress",
"From": "client:caller",
"To": "test:voxray",
"Direction": "inbound",
"ApplicationSid": "AP00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionId": "VX00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionStatus": "failed",
"SessionDuration": "10",
"ErrorCode": "39001",
"ErrorMessage": "Network connection to WebSocket server failed."

Session completed normally (caller hung up) example

session-completed-normally-caller-hung-up-example page anchor
"AccountSid": "AC00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallSid": "CA00000000000000000000000000000000",
"CallStatus": "completed",
"From": "client:caller",
"To": "test:voxray",
"Direction": "inbound",
"ApplicationSid": "AP00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionId": "VX00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SessionStatus": "completed",
"SessionDuration": "35"

  • Streaming Text Tokens: For smoother TTS playback, stream text tokens incrementally and set "last": true when the message is complete.
  • Error Handling: Monitor for error messages sent over the SPI to handle any issues promptly.
  • Language Switching: Use the language message to switch languages dynamically during a session.
  • Session Management: Use the end message to gracefully end sessions when your application logic determines it's appropriate.
  • Don't "wait" to send text tokens back from the Large Language Model (LLM); send them as you receive them.
  • To achieve the lowest latency, use the partial completions (streaming) through the LLM APIs. That way, the system sends each word in separate text tokens. The last one of that has last=true. This enables ConversationRelay to identify the first sayable string.
  • Don't trim LLM tokens; the tokens need to have spaces between them.

Handling punctuation and last: true in ConversationRelay TTS

handling-punctuation-and-last-true-in-conversationrelay-tts page anchor

When using ConversationRelay for Text-to-Speech (TTS), it's essential to manage punctuation carefully in response tokens to avoid unintended truncation. Here are some best practices to ensure smooth playback of responses:

  1. Setting the last flag properly

    When using punctuation within text tokens, ensure that the final token in the message includes "last": true.

    If you don't set the last flag to true, ConversationRelay assumes additional tokens are forthcoming. It will read up to the first punctuation mark (for example, period, comma, question mark) and then wait for further tokens. Without a final "last": true token, playback may pause unexpectedly.

  2. Using partial completions for streaming

    For real-time streaming or partial completions, send each text token incrementally with last: false, followed by a final token with last: true.

    This setup allows ConversationRelay to process and speak each part of the message without waiting, improving response time and user experience.

  3. Punctuation handling in longer messages

    For messages with complex punctuation, consider breaking them into smaller chunks, sending each chunk with appropriate punctuation, and using last: true only for the final chunk. This approach ensures that ConversationRelay reads the message in its entirety without delays or unexpected stops.

  4. When to Use last: false

    Use last: false for streaming scenarios where you want ConversationRelay to process and speak partial responses as they're received.

    This is beneficial in low-latency applications, where your application generates responses progressively, allowing ConversationRelay to read each word or phrase in real time, improving the perceived responsiveness.

Prompt Engineering for voice responses in ConversationRelay

prompt-engineering-for-voice-responses-in-conversationrelay page anchor

When setting up system prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs) in ConversationRelay, consider these best practices to ensure optimal performance with Text-to-Speech (TTS) in ConversationRelay:

  • Explicit Number Formatting: Encourage the LLM to spell out numbers (for example, "two" instead of "2") to avoid misinterpretation by TTS.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Avoid bullet points, asterisks, or special symbols, as these can cause pauses or mispronunciations in voice output.
  • Focus on Conversational Tone: Design prompts to produce conversational, naturally flowing responses, which translate more effectively to TTS.

These prompt adjustments help improve the LLM-generated tokens' compatibility with voice output in ConversationRelay, enhancing clarity and consistency for users.

WebSocket message compliance for ConversationRelay

websocket-message-compliance-for-conversationrelay page anchor

All WebSocket messages from ConversationRelay to your API follow the strict formats defined in these docs. Your application must also adhere to these specifications when sending messages back to ConversationRelay.

  • Use One-Way Communication: Managed API services like AWS API Gateway often support two-way communication, but this approach doesn't work with ConversationRelay. Two-way communication may cause your application to send back non-conforming messages, causing us to terminate the session.
  • Explicit Message Handling: Use one-way communication only, ensuring precise control over what and when you send messages to ConversationRelay.

Following these practices helps maintain session stability and ensures compatibility with ConversationRelay's message handling.

TTS voice quality and latency trade-offs

tts-voice-quality-and-latency-trade-offs page anchor

Text-to-Speech (TTS) voice quality varies significantly by provider and voice type. While generative voices often offer higher fidelity and more natural-sounding responses, they can introduce additional latency and process TTS at a slower rate.

  • Quality versus Latency: Generative voices may produce more realistic responses but could add latency, affecting real-time applications.
  • Test Before Production: We recommend testing various providers and voices to determine the best balance of quality and responsiveness for your specific use case.

Selecting the right TTS voice involves balancing quality and performance, so thorough testing is essential before production deployment.

STT provider and model variability

stt-provider-and-model-variability page anchor

Speech-to-Text (STT) quality and latency can vary depending on the provider and the environment. Google and Deepgram each offer unique strengths for different scenarios, such as clean versus noisy audio environments.

  • Environment Sensitivity: Some models may perform better in noisy environments, while others excel with clean audio. Test in environments that reflect your actual use case.
  • Customize for Optimal Recognition: We encourage testing various combinations of STT providers and speech models to find the best quality and responsiveness for your application.

Optimizing STT performance requires careful selection based on environment and model capabilities, so thorough testing is essential for achieving the best results.

WebSocket reconnection logic for ConversationRelay

websocket-reconnection-logic-for-conversationrelay page anchor

In the event of a WebSocket connection error in ConversationRelay, implement reconnection logic by initiating a new <Connect><ConversationRelay> request:

  • Re-establish the Connection in ConversationRelay: If you lose the WebSocket connection, handle the disconnect in your <Connect> element's action URL callback by returning new TwiML containing <Connect><ConversationRelay> to restore the session.
  • Validate Call Consistency in ConversationRelay: Ensure the callSid remains the same to confirm continuity of the original call session.

This approach helps maintain session stability and consistency following any connection disruptions.

Language and voice selection behavior with SPI messages

language-and-voice-selection-behavior-with-spi-messages page anchor

When you switch languages during a session via an SPI message, ConversationRelay uses the pre-set voice associated with the new language that you configured in the initial TwiML setup. If you didn't configure a specific voice for that language, ConversationRelay will use its default voice for the selected language.

  • Initial Language Configuration: To maintain a consistent voice experience across languages, define the desired voice for each supported language explicitly in the TwiML configuration. This setup ensures that when you change the language via an SPI message during the session, the specified voice is used. This prevents the system from defaulting to its own voice.
  • Voice on Language Change: If you issue a language change and haven't set a specific voice for that language in TwiML, the system will use its default voice for that language. For example, switching from English (en-GB) with a male voice to Spanish (es-ES) may result in a female voice if the default Spanish voice is female.
  • No Voice Updates Mid-Session: Once the session starts, you can't modify voice and language configurations set in TwiML through SPI messages.

This setup ensures consistent voice behavior for each language by configuring it in TwiML before the call begins.

Choosing between streaming and non-streaming mode for LLM responses

choosing-between-streaming-and-non-streaming-mode-for-llm-responses page anchor

ConversationRelay supports both streaming and non-streaming modes for sending LLM responses. Each mode has unique trade-offs in latency and response fluidity:

  • Non-Streaming Mode: In non-streaming mode, you send the full LLM response to ConversationRelay at once. This approach, while slightly more latent for initial responses, can provide a smoother and more consistent TTS experience, with less variability in pacing and fluidity of the speech output.
  • Latency Trade-Off: Initial response time (time to first token) is longer in non-streaming mode, which may affect perceived responsiveness for the first reply.
  • When to Use: Non-streaming mode can be effective if the session prioritizes TTS consistency over immediate response speed.
  • Streaming Mode: Streaming mode sends text tokens incrementally as they're generated by the LLM, allowing ConversationRelay to start speaking sooner. This provides quicker initial responses but may introduce slight variability in TTS pacing and fluidity.
  • Responsiveness: Streaming mode minimizes latency in initial responses, making it ideal for real-time interactions where responsiveness is critical.
  • Goal of Streaming Mode: While streaming mode may not be perfect in all cases, we recommend it for most applications, and improvements are ongoing to enhance fluidity in TTS output.
  • Recommendation for Streaming Mode: Both modes are viable, and you can experiment with streaming or non-streaming to find the best balance of response time and TTS quality for your use case. For non-streaming, send text in bulk once the LLM response is complete. For streaming, send text tokens in smaller chunks as they become available.

For errors, such as messages that ConversationRelay doesn't understand, we will respond with an error message.

If your WebSocket sends unidentified messages to ConversationRelay and the last 10 messages remain unidentified, we will terminate the connection. The status code will be 1007 with the reason "Too many consecutive malformed messages." In that case, we will report an error 64105 "WebSocket Ended."

If the WebSocket disconnects unexpectedly in ConversationRelay, we don't reconnect, and the call disconnects with a failed status.

ConversationRelay, including the <ConversationRelay> TwiML nouns and APIs, use artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies.

Our AI Nutrition Facts for ConversationRelay(link takes you to an external page) provide an overview of the AI feature you're using, so you can better understand how the AI is working with your data. The below AI Nutrition Label details the ConversationRelay AI qualities. For more information and the glossary regarding the AI Nutrition Facts Label, refer to our AI Nutrition Facts page(link takes you to an external page).

Deepgram AI nutrition facts

deepgram-ai-nutrition-facts page anchor

AI Nutrition Facts

ConversationRelay (STT and TTS) - Programmable Voice

Generate speech to text in real-time through a WebSocket API in Programmable Voice.
Privacy Ladder Level
Feature is Optional
Model Type
Automatic Speech Recognition
Base Model
Deepgram Nova2

Trust Ingredients

Base Model Trained with Customer Data

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Customer Data is Shared with Model Vendor

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Training Data Anonymized

Base Model is not trained using any Customer Data.

Data Deletion

Customer Data is not stored or retained in the Base Model.

Human in the Loop

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Data Retention


Logging & Auditing

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.


Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Input/Output Consistency

Customer is responsible for human review.

Other Resources
Learn more about this label at nutrition-facts.aie

Google AI nutrition facts

google-ai-nutrition-facts page anchor

AI Nutrition Facts

ConversationRelay (STT and TTS) - Programmable Voice

Generate speech to text in real-time and convert text into natural-sounding speech through a WebSocket API in Programmable Voice.
Privacy Ladder Level
Feature is Optional
Model Type
Generative and Predictive - Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech
Base Model
Google Speech-to-Text; Google Text-to-Speech

Trust Ingredients

Base Model Trained with Customer Data

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Customer Data is Shared with Model Vendor

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Training Data Anonymized

Base Model is not trained using any Customer Data.

Data Deletion

Customer Data is not stored or retained in the Base Model.

Human in the Loop

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Data Retention


Logging & Auditing

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.


Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Input/Output Consistency

Customer is responsible for human review.

Other Resources
Learn more about this label at nutrition-facts.aie

Amazon AI nutrition facts

amazon-ai-nutrition-facts page anchor

AI Nutrition Facts

ConversationRelay (STT and TTS) - Programmable Voice

Convert text into natural sounding speech through a websocket API in Programmable Voice.
Privacy Ladder Level
Feature is Optional
Model Type
Generative and Predictive
Base Model
Amazon Polly Text-to-Speech

Trust Ingredients

Base Model Trained with Customer Data

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Customer Data is Shared with Model Vendor

ConversationRelay uses the Default Base Model provided by the Model Vendor. The Base Model is not trained using Customer Data.

Training Data Anonymized

Base Model is not trained using any Customer Data.

Data Deletion

Customer Data is not stored or retained in the Base Model.

Human in the Loop

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Data Retention


Logging & Auditing

Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.


Customer can view and listen to the input and output in the customer's own terminal.

Input/Output Consistency

Customer is responsible for human review.

Other Resources
Learn more about this label at nutrition-facts.aie

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