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Register your app in Twilio Verification API

For Twilio Verification SDK for Android to receive SMSs without requesting sms read permissions you will need to register your hash so that Google Play Services will be able to route the SMS to your app.

This is the way Google Play Services redirects the SMS to the app without forcing it to request the SMS_READ permission.

Twilio Verify - Routing SMS with hash.

To obtain your app's hash you can use this script: takes you to an external page)


./ --package package_name --keystore keystore_file

For example

./ --package --keystore ./debug.keystore

The script will prompt you to input the keystore password. For debug keystores the default password is android

This is the transformation the script does:

Twilio Verify Generating the hash.

Once obtained, browse to the Twilio Console -> Verify -> (application) -> Settings and add the hash in the Android SDK Hash Signature field then save it:

Android Hash.

For more information about how to generate your app's hash string, check out Google's SMS retriever documentation takes you to an external page)