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TaskRouter Changes


Twilio Changelog

This dedicated Changelog page is no longer updated. Updates to TaskRouter, as well as all other product updates across Twilio's services, are available on the Twilio Changelog(link takes you to an external page).

Jan. 18, 2018

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New Features

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Added field TimestampMs to all events sent via callbacks. Added new field "WorkerTimeInPreviousActivityMs" for Worker Activity Event changes.

Released integration with Marketplace marketplace so that you can use data from Add-on to making routing decisions. You can read more about it here.

  • CCIS-1719 - Fixed an issue where sometimes low priority Tasks are assigned ahead of high priority Tasks.

Released a new feature LIFO that you can select to route most recent tasks first. You can read more about it here.

  • CCIS-1682 - Fixed an issue where Dequeue or Call instruction were not processing Timeout value correctly.
  • CCIS-1678 - Made improvements around Task creation.

Released a Multitasking that allows worker to handle more than one Task at a time. You can read more about the feature here

  • CCIS-1098 - Fixed an issue around Assignment and Reservation status being case sensitive.
  • CCIS-1114 - Fixed an issue around workflow.entered event never being generated when a Task enters workflow.
  • CCIS-1621 - Fixed an issue around reservation.rescinded event never generated.
  • CCIS-1674 - Made improvements around task assignment.

  • CCIS-1643 - Improvements around updating workflows with large configuration.

  • CCIS-1597 - Fixed an issue around evaluating Target workers Expression with multiple workers.
  • CCIS-1539 - Fixed an issue where workers.attributes.update event is not triggered when the workers attributes are updated.

  • CCIS-1540 - Added a SID to the events generated via Event Callbacks so that you can uniquely identify each event.
  • CCIS-1588 - Fixed an issue where when a Task is updated while it's being assigned, it no longer uses incorrect TaskQueue
  • CCIS-1576 - Fixed an issue to order Tasks correctly when assigning Tasks to workers.

  • CCIS-1535 - Increased the limit of filters you can create inside workflow.
  • CCIS-1532 - Fixed a bug so that any errors generated while parsing AssignmentCallback JSON instructions are displayed under Alerts.
  • CCIS-1538 - Fixed a bug to properly handle empty Assignment Callback responses.

  • CCIS-1497 - Fixed a bug to check if reservation is still pending when processing reservation instructions via REST API.

  • CCIS-1485 - Added support for 'NOT IN' and 'CONTAINS' in expressions. Please see this documentation for more details.

  • CCIS-1459 - Fixed an issue with missing "Completed" count on TasksByStatus section of TaskQueue RealTime statistics.

  • CCIS-1301 - Changed AssignmentCallback URL to optional and removed as default value used when creating Workspace.

  • CCIS-1345 - Added support to list Tasks by their appropriate AssignmentStatus (pending, assigned, completed, etc.).
  • CCIS-1358 - Fixed a bug where 'worker_name' was coming back blank when listing reservations by /Workers/{WorkerSid}/Reservations
  • CCIS-1373 - Fixed a bug so that when updating Workspace without EventsFilter parameter, it is not emptied out.

  • CCIS-1266 - Add a max limit of 24 hours for Task Reservations.
  • CCIS-1293 - Fixed an issue in reporting Activity Durations when querying Worker statistics.

  • CCIS-1265 - Fixed bug where TwilioRESTException coming back as 'text/plain' rather than 'application/json'
  • CCIS-1251 - Fixed an issue around EventsFilter where subscribing to task-queue.* events results in an error.

  • CCIS-1179 - Dequeue instruction now generates webhook to status_call_back_url on "initiated", "ringing" and "answered" call progress events. Learn more about these call progress events or visit the TaskRouter docs for more information on subscribing to these events with Dequeue instruction.
  • CCIS-1179 - Dequeue instruction now supports an optional attribute status_callback_events to subscribe to receive webhooks to status_call_back_url on "initiated", "ringing" and "answered" call progress events. Visit the TaskRouter docs for more information.

  • CCIS-1047 - Added an optional EventsFilter parameter to subscribe to receive event callback webhooks on specific events. Visit the Workspaces REST API docs for more details.
  • CCIS-1196 - Fixed an issue with taskrouter.currentMin to correctly return minute of the hour.

  • CCIS-1177 - Fixed an issue with use of ReEvaluateTasks parameter on Workflow where TaskRouter wasn't evaluating all the tasks in a workflow.
  • CCIS-1175 - Fixed an issue with Workflow expressions where HAS wasn't working on integer array.

  • CCIS-1148 - Fixed an edge case where Tasks were not moving from one TaskQueue to another TaskQueue on a workflow filter timeout.
  • CCIS-1147 - Fixed an issue with Tasks timeout falling within day light savings window.

  • CCIS-1057 - AssignmentCallback and FallbackAssignmentCallback webhook failures will now cancel a Task instead of Reservation.

  • CCIS-956 - New Completed state is added to Tasks and a Task is now deleted after it's moved to Completed state.
  • CCIS-1016 - Using UTF-8 characters in Task attributes will not cause failures on Task creation.

  • CCIS-957 - Added predefined attributes to TaskRouter to return taskrouter.currentTime, taskrouter.currentHour, taskrouter.currentMinute and taskrouter.dayOfWeek that can be used in Filter and Target Worker Expressions.

  • CCIS-970 - TaskQueue Statistics now returns a summary of Tasks by priority.
  • CCIS-643 - Tasks can now be listed sorted by priority.

  • CCIS-961 - Added ReEvaluateTasks parameter on Workflow update to force workflow to reevaulate all the Tasks.

  • CCIS-954 - Added DequeueTo parameter with Dequeue instruction on Reservation REST API to specify either a phone number or client ID to call the worker.
  • CCIS-955 - Added CallTo parameter with Call instruction on Reservation REST API to specify either a phone number or client ID to call the worker.
  • CCIS-795 - Reservation REST API now supports Accept, Reject and Redirect instructions.

  • CCIS-940 - It is now possible to access reservation.sid from taskrouter.js SDK on receiving reservation.canceled event.
  • CCIS-930 - Fixed an issue with statistics incorrectly reporting reservation.canceled count as higher than reservation.created. This was an issue with the implementation of the API while the actual data was captured correctly.
  • CCIS-918 - Fixed an issue where in some rare cases the events related to reservation are generated out of order when there are lot of tasks in pending state. For example, when the issue was happening reservation.created event is fired 15-20 seconds after the reservation was actually created.

  • CCIS-876 - Added 'timeout' attribute with Call Instruction to configure how long the call should ring before assuming there is no answer.
  • CCIS-877 - Added 'DequeueRecord', 'DequeueTimeout' and 'DequeueStatusCallbackUrl' parameters when issue Dequeue instruction on 'Reservation REST' end point.

  • CCIS-815 - Fixed an issue with C# helper library that was incorrectly allowing changing availability of an activity and failing with the actual update since changing availability of an activity is not allowed once the activity is created.
  • CCIS-830 - Added 'timeout' attribute to Dequeue instructions to configure how long the call should ring before assuming there is no answer.
  • CCIS-814 - Calls connected with Dequeue instructions can now be recorded using 'record' attribute.

  • CCIS-786 - Fixed an issue in TaskRouter supporting complex json structure in TaskQueue and Workflows expressions. For example, if worker attribute is set to,

    "string_const": "foo",
    { "array": ["a","b","c"], "attr": "bar" }

    then the expression object.array[0] == "a" on either Workflow or TaskQueue would fail.

  • CCIS-806 - Fixed and issue where a Task was getting pushed back to pending state if "Max Reserved Workers" in the TaskQueue is set to a value greater than the available workers. For example, if Max Reserved Workers is set to 3, and current available workers is 2, once the task is reserved with the 2 available workers, it goes back to pending state and that results in neither of the two workers able to accept the reservation.
  • CCIS-801 - Dequeue and call instructions fail when 'To' and 'From' have SIP domain.

  • CCIS-796 - Task priority is not updated after workflow timeout retargets the task to same queue with new priority.
  • CCIS-784 - Worker creation fails when "null" string is used for an attribute value.

  • CCIS-788 - Attributes on a Task are no longer required. If they are not provided an empty json blob "{}" is added.
  • Events API filter support on WorkflowSid, TaskQueueSid, TaskSid, ReservationSid, WorkerSid.

  • CCIS-767 - Cancel a reservation when HTTP 4xx or 5xx response received accessing AssignmentCallbackUrl and FallbackAssignmentCallbackUrl. This will allow the Task to be available for another worker immediately.
  • CCIS-780 - GET request doesn't work on /Workers/{WorkerSid}/Reservations/{ReservationSid}.

  • CCIS-729 - 'redirect' instruction to allow 'accept' property to take a Boolean value (true/false) in addition to string ("true"/"false").