To access all the latest features and upcoming developments, please see our v3 API. For assistance with transitioning, refer to our migration guide.
This endpoint allows you to send email over SendGrid's Web API v2. For information about the latest mail send endpoint, please visit our Web API v3 Mail Send documentation. We encourage our current v2 API customers to migrate to the new endpoint, so they can take advantage of our latest features.
There are a number of official SendGrid libraries that will help you send email through the Web API v2. We recommend using these if possible. Check our API Libraries page to view a list of supported libraries.
URI Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
to | Yes | Must be a valid email address | Specify a recipient email as a single email with this parameter. To send to multiple emails, use an array to specify each email, for example: to[][] . You can also use the To parameter in the x-smtpapi header to add additional recipients. If you use the API to parameter to specify a single recipient, that recipient is visible in the For field of the received header—so if you specify a single address, it should be an address that you are comfortable with your customer seeing. For example, use a generic email address in the to field that your customer is already going to see, like your from address. To completely omit the email showing up in the from header: either specify multiple addresses in the to field as an array, for example, to[][] , or use the V3 mail send endpoint. |
toname | No | Must be a string. If the to parameter is an array, toname must be an array with the exact number of array elements as the to field | Give a name to the recipient. This can also be passed as an array if the to parameter above is an array. Example: toname[]=Alpha[]=Beta . |
x-smtpapi | No | Must be in valid JSON format | Please review the SMTP API to view documentation on what you can do with the JSON headers |
subject | Yes | Must be a valid string | The subject of your email |
text | No | API call must include at least one of the text or html parameters. | The plain text content of your email message. |
html | No | API call must include at least one of the text or html parameters. | The HTML content of your email message. |
from | Yes | Must be a valid email address from your domain | This is where the email will appear to originate from for your recipient |
cc | No | Must be a valid email address | This can also be passed in as an array of email addresses for multiple recipients. Example: cc[][] . |
ccname | No | Must be a valid email address | This is the name be appended to the cc field. |
bcc | No | Must be a valid email address | This can also be passed in as an array of email addresses for multiple recipients. Example: bcc[][] . |
bccname | No | Must be a valid email address | This is the name appended to the bcc field. |
fromname | No | Must a valid string | This is the name appended to the from email field (i.e. your name or company name) |
replyto | No | Must be a valid email address | Append a reply-to field to your email message |
date | No | Must be a valid date | Specify the date header of your email. One example: "Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200". PHP developers can use: date('r'); |
files | No | Must be less than 7MB | Files to be attached. The file contents must be part of the multipart HTTP POST . Ex: files[file1.jpg]=file1.jpg&files[file2.pdf]=file2.pdf |
content | No | Required for sending inline images | Content IDs of the files to be used as inline images. Content IDs should match the cids used in the HTML markup. Ex: content[file1.jpg]=ii_139db99fdb5c3704 would correspond with the HTML <img src="cid:ii_139db99fdb5c3704"></img> and files[file1.jpg] would contain the contents. |
headers | No | Must be in valid JSON format without integers | A collection of key/value pairs in JSON format. This is specifically for non-SendGrid custom extension headers. Each key represents a header name and the value the header value. Ex: {"X-Accept-Language": "en", "X-Mailer": "MyApp"} |
SendGrid's API keys should be used when sending email over the API. API keys are preferred because you can revoke an API key at any time without changing your username and password. You can also limit the permissions of an API key, which reduces the potential for harm in the event that your API key is compromised.
When using an API key, pass it in an Authorization header and omit the api_user
and api_key
parameters from your request. Pass the API key as a Bearer Token: "Authorization: Bearer <Your API Key>"
For more information, see Upgrading your authentication method to API Keys.
POST | |
POST Data | |
1{2"message": "success"3}
You can have up to 10,000 recipients per Web API v2 request. While we do not enforce rate limits on sending mail via the v2 Mail Send endpoint, we do recommend that users avoid making more than 3,000 API requests per second.
1curl -X "POST" "" \2-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \3-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \4--data-urlencode "" \5--data-urlencode "toname=Destination" \6--data-urlencode "subject=Example Subject" \7--data-urlencode "text=testingtextbody" \8--data-urlencode ""
1curl -X "POST" "" \2-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \3-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \4--data-urlencode "to[]," \5--data-urlencode "toname[]=Destination,Destination2" \6--data-urlencode "subject=Example Subject" \7--data-urlencode "text=testingtextbody" \8--data-urlencode ""
To ensure that an attachment uploads from a local file, use \<@filename>
1curl \2-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \3-F -F toname=test -F subject="Example Subject" \4-F text="testing text body" --form-string html="<strong>testing html body</strong>" \5-F -F api_user=your_sendgrid_username -F api_key=your_sendgrid_password \6-F files[attachment.pdf\]=@attachment.pdf;type=application/pdf
1curl \2-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \3-F -F toname=test -F subject="Example Subject" \4-F text="testing text body" --form-string html="<strong>testing html body</strong>" \5-F \6-F files[attachment.gz\]=@f.php.gz
1curl \2-F -F toname=test -F subject="Example Subject" \3-F text="testing text body" --form-string html="<strong>testing html body</strong>" \4-F -F api_user=your_sendgrid_username -F api_key=your_sendgrid_password \5-F files[attachment.pdf\]=@attachment.pdf;type=application/pdf
The following is a dump of the HTTP data sent to our server to generate an email via our Web API v2.
POST /api/mail.send.json HTTP/1.1
1Host: sendgrid.com2Accept: */*3Content-Length: 9994Expect: 100-continue5Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------400f182a93606Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY7HTTP/1.1 100 Continue8------------------------------400f182a93609Content-Disposition: form-data; name="to"10someone@somewhere.com11------------------------------400f182a936012Content-Disposition: form-data; name="subject"13test of file sends14------------------------------400f182a936015Content-Disposition: form-data; name="html"16the HTML17------------------------------400f182a936018Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"19the plain text20------------------------------400f182a936021Content-Disposition: form-data; name="from"22example@sendgrid.com23------------------------------400f182a936024Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[myfile]"; filename="myfile"25Content-Type: application/octet-stream26file with stuff in it27------------------------------400f182a9360--28HTTP/1.1 200 OK29Server: nginx/0.7.6530Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 22:30:58 GMT31Content-Type: application/json32Transfer-Encoding: chunked33Connection: keep-alive