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Error Codes and Descriptions

Below is a list of error codes that may be encountered when using the Twilio Mobile Identity API and services.

Error CodeError DescriptionCommentsRecommended Action
-10Phone Id Failed.Twilio detected a generic error and Silent Network Auth failed.Failover to another authentication method.
-11Phone Id Failed.Twilio detected an invalid condition and Silent Network Auth failed.Failover to another authentication method.
-17Phone Id Failed.Twilio detected an error in the Silent Network Auth flow and Silent Network Auth failed.Failover to another authentication method.
-20Phone Id Failed.Twilio detected an error in the EVURL and Silent Network Auth failed.Failover to another authentication method.
-30Unsupported Carrier.The identified carrier is unsupported for Silent Network Auth.Silent Network Auth failed. Failover to another authentication method.
-31Unsupported Carrier or Potential Wifi.Twilio is unable to identify the carrier from the detected IP.Silent Network Auth failed. Failover to another authentication method.
-32Potential Dual Sim.Twilio has detected that the transaction may be from a dual sim device where the carrier identified via IP does not match the carrier identified via the phone number.Silent Network Auth failed. Failover to another authentication method.
-33No header.The carrier did not insert the header during the Silent Network Auth flow and Twilio cannot verify the number.Silent Network Auth failed. Failover to another authentication method.
-34Carrier System Error.There was an error on the carrier system during the Silent Network Auth flow.Silent Network Auth failed. Failover to another authentication method.
-40Carrier Identified Invalid phone number.Carrier indicated that the number is invalid.Silent Network Auth failed. Do not failover to another authentication method.
-5000Access not allowed.Access not allowed for the requested API.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5001Authentication failed.Customer authentication failed. Check your credentials.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5002Unsupported version.Unsupported version used for the API request.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5003Retry with missing parameter.A required parameter is missing from the API request.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5004An invalid parameter was passed.An invalid parameter was passed in the API request.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5005An internal service error has occurred.An internal service error has occurred.Retry. If issue persists, contact Twilio Support.
-5006Retry with end-user identifier.An end-user identifier such as the mobile number, authentication key or association key is missing from the API request.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5007Silent Network Auth failed.Silent Network Auth failed because device was not on carrier network or could not be identified for other reasons.Complete Silent Network Auth through SMS or OTP.
-5009This phone number is not whitelisted.Whitelisting is enabled and the phone number is not whitelisted.Contact Twilio Support to whitelist number.
-5010Missing or Incorrect Submerchant Id.A valid sub-merchant id is required for reseller merchants.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5013Exceeded time to perform end-user identification.The authentication key has expired before end-user identification could be completed.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5014Silent Network Auth failed.The phone number could not be identified.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5016Silent Network Auth not complete.The Silent Network Auth process has not completed yet.Please retry the transaction as the Silent Network Auth process has not completed yet.
-5017Retry with passing consent in the input.User consent is needed to make this API call in the current configuration.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5018Please retry with both consentId and consentTimeStampEither consent id or consent timestamp was missing from the API request.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5020Data is not available for this user.Data is not available for this user from any of the configured data sources.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5022Invalid merchant.The merchant cannot be recognized.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5023An invalid OTP was provided, please retry.OTP didn't match the one that was sent to the mobile phone.Ask consumer to retry.
-5029Data access not allowed.The merchant is not configured for this API or for the Attribute Groups being requested.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5030Data access not allowed.Service providers are not configured for this merchant.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5033Consumer identifier is invalid.The end-user identifier such as the mobile number, authentication key or association key is invalid.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5035This Authentication Key has expired.The authentication key has expired and cannot be used anymore.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5037Service provider error occurred. Please retry.An error occurred while communicating with a service provider.Retry. If error persists, Contact Twilio Support.
-5046No value was passed for consumerMdn and carrier.No value was passed for consumerMdn and carrier.Please retry by passing both the values.
-5049No value was passed for consumerMdn or carrier.No value was passed for consumerMdn or carrier.Please retry by passing either of the values.
-5050Data access not allowed.Data access not allowed.Integration Issue. Contact Twilio Support for help.
-5053Please retry with a valid MDNPlease retry with a valid MDN.Retry. If error persists, Contact Twilio Support.
-5054Please retry with valid ConsentInput consent parameters are not valid.Retry. If error persists, Contact Twilio Support.
-5055Consent is no longer active.Consent is no longer active.Please obtain new consent from the user and retry.
-5056Please retry with valid consent.Consent is no longer active.Please obtain new consent from the user and retry.
-5057Carrier not supported.Twilio has not integrated with the carrier and there is no access to other authoritative data sources for the MDN.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5061Insufficient information to determine response.Twilio did not obtain sufficient information from mobile carrier to determine a response.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.
-5062Unable to identify carrier nxx.Twilio could not identify the carrier associated with the phone number. xx are two digits used for internal tracking.Do not retry. Terminate transaction and exit.

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